Why Is My Chihuahua Shaking: 10 Reasons & Tips

Why is my chihuahua shaking is an interesting question and that is exactly what this post is all about!

In this post, we will outline and discuss all the possible and common reasons that could cause Chihuahuas to shake.

Chihuahuas are a small breed of dog that is very delicate to handle and can easily develop injuries if not properly handled.

Before we continue, let me quickly summarize the answer to your question, why is my chihuahua shaking.

Why Is My Chihuahua Shaking

Chihuahuas have high metabolic rates by nature, which can cause them to shiver or shake for a variety of causes, including stress, toxic ingestion, cold weather, seizures, generalized tremor syndrome, old age, and other medical concerns.

Shaking is a common response to some behavioral and environmental settings, but it may also be a warning indication in others.

Some of the most common causes of shaking in Chihuahuas that are out of your control include:

1. Sign of Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia is defined as a sudden drop in blood sugar. When your Chihuahua’s body is low on sugar, it starts shaking.

Hypoglycemia, a medical condition that causes trembling and shaking in Chihuahuas, is also a risk.

This disease is more common in puppies of Chihuahuas because their capacity to handle sugar levels in their blood has not fully developed (up to 4 months).

Hypoglycemia can cause your Chihuahua to lose consciousness or, in the worst-case situation, kill your Chihuahua.

Hypoglycemia can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, malnutrition, and even being the runt of the litter.

In addition to shaking, Chihuahuas will exhibit other symptoms such as lethargy, convulsions, or exhaustion.

Shaking caused by hypoglycemia should be addressed as soon as possible if it is accompanied by other unusual symptoms such as vomiting.

Low blood sugar is frequently a symptom of a more serious issue, such as a lack of nutrients, parasites, cold weather, or general stress.


  1. Try to feed your Chihuahua once in a while with sugar fruits like oranges, apples, etc.
  2. Only give your Chihuahua a vet approved dog food.
  3. Puppies and adult dogs that appear to be in a hypoglycemia incident should be given sugar water or an oral concentrated glucose solution, such as corn syrup or Nutri-Cal, right away.
  4. See your vet if the shake persists.

2. Sign of cold

Chihuahuas are the tiniest of dog breeds, making them extremely sensitive to handle. If not properly cared for, they can easily become chilled, especially if you live in a cold region.

A Chihuahua’s normal body temperature is 37 to 39 degrees Celsius, thus if the room or ambient temperature drops too low, your Chihuahua will get cold.

Despite their small bodies, Chihuahuas can get cold; however, this is totally dependant on where you reside.

Your Chihuahua may begin to tremble if the temperature in the environment drops to a level that your Chihuahua cannot handle.

Consider the temperature of the room if your Chihuahua is trembling. Some Chihuahuas, on the other hand, enjoy playing in the snow; it is your responsibility to know when to remove them.


It’s possible that your Chihuahua shakes and shivers in the morning, evening, or when they go outside because they’re chilly.

Warm them up and provide some thermal protection against the chilly temperatures to halt this habit.

Never allow your Chihuahua to stay out in the cold for too long.

Always dry them up properly if you give them a bath.

3. Sign of fear

One of the most common causes of your Chihuahua’s shaking is fear.

It’s important to remember that each dog is different, and what causes fear in one dog may not cause fear in another.

The arrival of new pets, bigger objects or animals, gunshots, fireworks are the common causes of fear to Chihuahuas.

Chihuahuas are commonly lifted and carried by their owners, for example. They do, however, have a lot of fears.

You may not realize it, but your Chihuahua’s greatest fear is height, and keeping him up there causes him tension, worry, and terror.

It’s crucial to pay attention to your Chihuahua’s environmental cues and keep an eye out for symptoms of dread.


  1. Keep your Chihuahua away from things that cause panic.
  2. Proper socialization is important to avoid unnecessary fear.
  3. Desensitization and Counter-Conditioning will help.

Reads more: Can Chihuahuas Be Left Alone: 11 Helpful Tips.

4. Sign of seizure

Seizures are a neurological disease that causes dogs to inadvertently tremble and pass out. This is found in Chihuahuas too.

Dogs of all sizes and kinds, as well as other animals, are affected by seizures.

Seizures are unlikely to cause physical harm to the dog, although they can cause damage if the dog falls or knocks things over and into itself.

If your Chihuahua begins to have seizures, contact your veterinarian immediately. Seizure control medications may be able to assist.

In Chihuahuas, seizures can also take the following forms:

  • Tongue chewing
  • Foam in mouth
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Stiffening
  • Muscle twitching
  • Collapsing
  • Jerking


  1. During seizures, make sure to keep your chihuahua in an open space.
  2. Make sure your Chihuahua gets enough air.
  3. Shortly after that, rush to your vet.
  4. Supplement or modified diet can help. Read more about seizures.

5. Sign of pains

Canine arthritis is a condition that causes your elderly Chihuahua to shiver or freeze, especially in his hindquarters.

Many pains can cause Chihuahuas to shiver or shake uncontrollably, so keep an eye on your pup if you see uncontrollable shaking.

Chihuahuas can be in a lot of discomforts because of infections, traumas, and even dental issues.

Depending on the cause of your puppy’s pain, your veterinarian may recommend additional diagnostic testing and/or pain therapy.


  1. Search for hidden injuries whenever you groom your Chihuahua.
  2. Massage your Chihuahua if his shaking and see if you can get the pain point.
  3. If you can’t see any physical injury rush your Chihuahua to the vet.

6. Sign of fever

A high temperature, which can be produced by a variety of factors, is one of the most prevalent causes of shaking in Chihuahuas.

A Chihuahua’s normal body temperature is 37 to 39 degrees Celsius, but if it rises over that, it might suggest a fever.

Tremors in Chihuahuas have been connected to high temperatures, which may be induced by a variety of factors, including dry nose, heatstroke, increased respiratory rate.


  1. Try to keep your chihuahua medical records update.
  2. Try to cool your Chihuahua body temperature low and see a vet.

7. Sign of generalized tremor syndrome

Generalized tremor syndrome is more common in Chihuahuas, Boston terriers, Shih Tzus, and Yorkies than in other small breeds.

This sickness, sometimes known as shaker syndrome, is characterized by full-body tremors similar to those experienced by a dog when it is cold.

The symptoms and signs of generalized tremor syndrome vary from dog to dog, although it most usually affects Chihuahuas between the ages of 3 and 7.

Despite the fact that no one understands what causes widespread tremor syndrome, it is usually regarded to be non-lethal.

Your veterinarian may prescribe corticosteroids, but shaking is an unavoidable part of life for some pets.

Always consult your veterinarian if your Chihuahua continues to quiver for no apparent reason.


  1. Provide stress-free environment.
  2. Regular medical check-ups
  3. See your vet immediately.

8. Ingesting poisonous substances

Some materials are safe for humans but hazardous for tiny dogs such as Chihuahuas.

Nicotine in cigarettes is harmful, but xylitol is a sugar substitute found in many chewing gums.

Small dogs, such as Chihuahuas, are particularly vulnerable to both.

In little dogs like Chihuahuas, these toxins or poisons can induce significant shaking and shivering.

A bee sting, a snake bite, severe food sickness, or scorpion stings may cause your Chihuahua to tremble or shudder.

This is a big concern even if you don’t witness your Chihuahua come into touch with something harmful or hazardous.

Little dogs like Chihuahuas respond swiftly to toxins due to their size and power.

Keep your Chihuahua away from potentially dangerous chemicals and small animals as a result.

If you believe or notice that your Chihuahua has ingested anything potentially toxic or has been bitten by a small animal, please take him to the veterinarian.

Additional signs of toxin consumption in Chihuahuas include: continues vomiting, fainting, difficulty breathing, and disorientation.


See your vet immediately.

9. Sign of old age

Chihuahuas are one of the most long-lived dog breeds, with some reaching the age of 16 years.

Because of their extended lifespan, they do face health issues as they grow older.

Without consulting your doctor, there’s not much you can do to help an older Chihuahua who shakes or shivers.

As a result of several health difficulties associated with age, their joints are weak and ancient, and they can no longer effectively support their bodies’ weight.

In senior Chihuahuas, tremors in both the rear and front legs are more prevalent, making it difficult for them to move correctly and producing trembling or shivering.

Consult your veterinarian when your Chihuahua reaches the age of 13 to identify the best course of action for your old Chihuahua.


  1. Avoid loud sounds and constant disturbances.
  2. Reduce level of exercise.
  3. Get a more comfortable dog bed.
  4. Change your dog food with the help of your vet.
  5. Regular vet visit.

10. Sign of Anxiety

Because they were carefully developed to be a human companion, Chihuahuas, for example, are prone to unease and separation anxiety.

They may grow nervous and shiver if you have to leave them at home, or they may see other animals as a threat.

Fears are present in dogs, just as they are in humans. When they hear fireworks, thunder, or other loud noises, some of them quiver.

For these reasons, they flatten their ears and tuck their tails between their knees when they tremble.

Chihuahuas shiver when they are worried, and around half of all dogs hide or retreat when they are stressed.

Urinary incontinence, shedding, itching, licking, and drooling are all possibilities.


  1. Avoid all forms of stress
  2. Create a stress-free environment.
  3. Create time to be with your Chihuahua.
  4. Maintain a daily routine.
  5. Invest in antianxiety products.
  6. See your vet.

Read more: 9 Common Chihuahua Stress Symptoms.

Chihuahuas shaking of hind legs

Patellar luxation or generalized tremor syndrome, which is frequent in tiny breeds such as Yorkies, Boston terriers, miniature pinschers, and Chihuahuas, might be the cause of hind limb shaking in Chihuahuas.

Remember that shaking doesn’t always indicate a neck or spinal injury or a neurological issue in your dog; but, if you’re still worried, get medical help.

Patellar luxation, also known as sliding or floating kneecaps, is a frequent issue that affects the rear legs of many dogs, particularly tiny breeds such as Chihuahuas, Pugs, and Yorkies. 

Anxiety, a cold, or age-related tremors are the most typical reasons.

Chihuahuas shaking their head

Chihuahuas might shake their heads due to ear infections, flea bites on the head skin, allergies, and head tremors caused by a head injury.

Due to old age or other circumstances, Chihuahuas may shake their heads.

Shaking of the head in elderly Chihuahuas might suggest ear infections, ear mites, parasites, allergies, hematomas, toxins, or even balance issues.

Examine their ears to see whether there’s a problem, but the issue remains. Make an appointment with your veterinarian.

Chihuahuas panting and shaking

Excessive panting and shivering in Chihuahuas can be caused by a variety of factors including stress, increased pain, discomfort, poisoning, renal illness, injury, allergic responses, toxins, bites, and stings.

Don’t dismiss trembling in your Chihuahua, especially if it isn’t due to excitement; whatever the cause, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian.

Chihuahuas vomiting and shaking

A deadly plant, onion ball, garlic ball, or poisoned material can all give a Chihuahua an upset stomach, resulting in vomiting and trembling.

In Chihuahuas, vomiting and shaking might be caused by a swollen stomach, pancreatitis, or renal illness.

Your Chihuahua’s trembling and vomiting are signs that something is wrong, and they should see a doctor right once.

Keep track of how often they vomit, as well as how much and what color it is, and contact your veterinarian if it doesn’t stop after a few hours.

With all the possible information you found on this page, I hope your concern about Why Is My Chihuahua Shaking was resolved!

Read more: Why Do Chihuahuas Dig: 12 Reasons & Solutions.

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Samuel Ogbonna
Samuel Ogbonna

I'm Samuel Ogbonna, the founder of allpetspot.com. I grew up with lots of pets, with 15 years of experience living with pets. My love for pets made me start allpetspot.com, I'm here to share his experiences with pets.

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