Why Do Yorkies Sleep So Much: 11 Reasons & More

In this post, we will be discussing the question of why do Yorkies sleep so much, highlighting so of the common reasons you should know!

There are lots of reasons why Yorkies can sleep more than the required time such that owners might become uncomfortable.

I will also point out some common benefits of sleeping to Yorkies, and finally, I will outline and briefly discuss some common sleeping problems Yorkies have.

Let me quickly answer your question why do Yorkies sleep so much in a single paragraph before we proceed to other things.

Why Do Yorkies Sleep So Much

Yorkies need a lot of sleep because it lets their bodies and minds work optimally, allowing them to absorb and store memories as well as learn new skills and phrases, sleeping also helps Yorkies to stay away from stress.

Senior Yorkies require more sleep hours for their physical and emotional health.

On average, a healthy Yorkie should sleep for about 6 to 9 hours during the day and if the Yorkie sleeps longer than usual you should see a vet.

The following are some of the most prevalent reasons why your Yorkie may sleep more than usual:

1. The factor of age

Because of how active a Yorkie is, its age has a significant impact on how the dog sleeps.

As dog’s age, their activity levels decrease, demanding more sleep to live a happy existence.

As your Yorkie gets older, she will likely slow down and take more naps in a bright area of the house.

A newborn puppy, on the other hand, sleeps more because it needs more sleep to grow properly.

If your Yorkie is sleeping excessively, consider his or her age as a factor that may affect how long he or she sleeps.

2. Boredom and loneliness

Because loneliness has two faces, a lonely Yorkie may sleep more than normal or not sleep at all due to separation anxiety.

On the other hand, as a result of the strain, some lonely Yorkies will not get enough sleep, which may result in Yorkie crying.

Boredom and loneliness are two of the most common reasons for Yorkie behavior problems, and your Yorkie may end up digging holes in your yard or his bed.

It’s likely that your Yorkie is bored and has nothing better to do than sleep when he naps excessively.

3. Overfeeding

An overfed Yorkie will just lay down and sleep for more than 9 hours consecutively without getting up, which supports obesity.

Overfeeding your Yorkie, as humorous as it may sound, will lead them to sleep longer than expected since they will be too tired to do anything.

Make sure you’re not overfeeding your Yorkie if he’s sleeping for longer periods of time than usual.

Overfeeding can cause a number of health concerns, so see your veterinarian for a feeding plan and stick to it.

As funny as it sounds, overfeeding your Yorkie is a good reason why your Yorkie can sleep more than required because they become lazy to do anything.

Read more: 8 Common Yorkie Sick Symptoms.

4. Too much activities or exercise

When a Yorkie is overworked, he or she becomes tired, which can cause tension and can lead to your Yorkie sleeping more than expected.

Overly active Yorkies sleep for longer amounts of time than they should because they are always tired.

You should investigate your Yorkie’s physical activity if he or she appears to be napping excessively and see if your Yorkie is overwhelmed or overworked.

Heat fatigue is common in Yorkies, and excessive physical exertion can lead to heatstroke, sleeping is a way our Yorkie can recover.

To minimize unwanted health risks, you should always keep track of your Yorkie’s physical activity.

5. Lack of activities or mental stimulation

Lack of activities or mental stimulation causes your Yorkie to be lazy and just look for where to hide and take a nap, especially if you are not home.

Also, lack of cerebral stimulation not only causes behavior problems in Yorkies but also encourages laziness, digging, barking, biting, etc.

As a consequence, if your Yorkie isn’t destroying something or napping somewhere, it’s probably destroying something or napping somewhere.

Keep your Yorkie entertained by providing a range of interesting and engaging toys; if your Yorkie becomes bored, it will simply seek out a spot to sleep.

6. Yorkie’s health conditions

The Yorkies suffer from a number of health issues that are typical in small dogs, as well as a few that are unique to this breed.

Yorkies from respectable breeders are likely to have a few health issues that will alter their sleeping rate or cycle.

Obesity in Yorkies may be detrimental to their health and can cause them to sleep more than they should.

Obesity is a dangerous condition that can lead to or exacerbate musculoskeletal issues, as well as metabolic breakdown, all of which can disrupt Yorkie’s sleep.

If your Yorkie has diabetes, anemia (iron deficiency), or a viral or bacterial infection, it may sleep for considerably longer than usual.

7. Separation anxiety

If you own or love a Yorkie, you’ll know that separation anxiety is one of the most prevalent issues they experience.

This is why, if you work all day, you should not purchase a Yorkie, as Yorkies were designed to be at their owners’ sides all day.

Separation anxiety can affect how long your Yorkie sleeps, either allowing him to sleep longer or preventing him from sleeping at all.

Read more about Yorkie Separation Anxiety: 9 Signs & 11 Helpful Tips.

8. Depression

Depression can present itself in two ways: as an overly sleeping Yorkie or as an inadequately sleeping Yorkie.

Whatever viewpoint you choose, one thing is certain: depression affects the way a Yorkie sleeps.

Excessive stress, loneliness, boredom, physical illness, and trauma are all potential causes of depression in Yorkies.

Depending on its personality, a melancholy Yorkie may sleep longer than usual.

If your Yorkie is missing a family member or close friend, is bored, or has had a drastic lifestyle change, they may be depressed, causing them to sleep for longer periods of time than usual.

Lethargy and inactivity, as well as changes in food and sleeping patterns, are further signs of depression in dogs.

9. Lack of owner attention

Just as hiding is a sign of separation anxiety in Yorkies, which can lead to excessive sleeping in Yorkies.

So do lack of proper attention from owners also becomes a problem for Yorkies, ignoring your Yorkie can cause them to sleep a lot since they aren’t getting the attention they need.

If you ignore your Yorkie a lot, then that is a recipe for disaster, because they can also develop unnecessary behaviors.

10. Constant changes in daily routine

Constant changes in daily routine can not only cause Yorkies to be depressed, frustrated or stressed, but also encourage them to sleep more than usual.

Just create and stick to a working daily routine, because continuous changes in daily routine lead to bad behaviors.

11. Changes in environment and temperature

Your Yorkie may respond by taking more frequent and longer naps if you’ve just relocated to a new house or apartment.

Anxiety or sadness generated by the transfer may produce this reaction, and while these symptoms are normally not significant or life-threatening, they should be watched in case they worsen.

There’s typically nothing to be concerned about if your Yorkie sleeps a lot more during the winter months.

Many dog breeds, including Yorkies, sleep for longer periods of time in the winter than they do in the summer.

Sleeping allows Yorkies to conserve energy and boost their body temperatures, allowing them to keep warm and cozy despite the cold.

Yorkies may also sleep less during hot summers since they are more likely to be uncomfortable.

Benefits of sleeping to Yorkies

Some of the most common reasons Yorkies benefit from sleeping are as follows:

  • In Yorkie pups, sleeping supports healthy and continued growth.
  • In Yorkies, regular sleeping reduces brain degeneration.
  • Yorkies’ immune systems are boosted by sleeping.
  • Yorkies benefit from sleep because it helps them to create new brain connections.
  • Yorkie puppies’ wits are kept sharp by allowing them to sleep uninterrupted.
  • While sleeping, Yorkie puppies’ memory develops and their ability to learn improves.
  • The Yorkie body conserves and restores energy during sleeping.
  • Yorkies need to sleep to keep their hearts healthy.
  • In Yorkies, sleep aids in the reduction of stress.
  • In Yorkies, sleeping helps with depression therapy.

How long should Yorkies sleep

If there are no sleeping difficulties, tension, anxiety, or excessive activity, a healthy Yorkie should sleep between 7 and 9 hours every day on average.

Sleeping is the one thing Yorkies like more than playing, toys, and eating. The average Yorkie sleeps for 5 to 8 hours each night.

They can also take naps during the day to gain an additional four to six hours of sleep.

How to help your Yorkie to stop sleeping too much

  • Providing your dog with enjoyable toys and activities to play.
  • Provide and stick to a daily routine.
  • To keep their minds busy and engaged, they might play with engaging toys.
  • To ensure they have everything they need to be active, provide plenty of physical activity and a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Overfeeding your Yorkie might cause it to get lethargic.
  • A vet examination is recommended if none of the other alternatives on the list appear to be effective.

How to get a Yorkie to sleep through night

Here are some common ways to get a Yorkie to sleep through the night:

  • Always take a Yorkie for a potty break before bedtime.
  • Give a little exercise to a Yorkie before bedtime to help burn excessive energy.
  • Keep the Yorkie’s sleeping area quiet and stress-free.
  • Avoid all forms of stress, loud sounds and anxiety before bedtime.
  • Create and stick to a strict bedtime schedule for a Yorkie.
  • Remove all forms of distraction from a Yorkie sleeping area.
  • Make their crate and bed more comfortable.
  • Associate sleeping at night to a positive attitude.
  • Keep the Yorkie’s crate or sleeping area close to you.
  • Help them get plenty of exercise during the day.

Read more: 12 Common Yorkie Behavior Problems & Helpful Tips.

Yorkie sleeping disorders

The following are some of the most frequent dog sleeping disorders that Yorkies could encounter:

1. Cognitive decline

As Yorkies become older, they experience cognitive impairment, which can disrupt their sleeping patterns.

As the Yorkies grow older, they become easily confused by everything in their environment.

When no one is available to give comfort and attention, this happens more at night.

As your Yorkie grows older, it is suggested that you do not make any changes to your home or regular routine.

2. Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is more common in overweight Yorkies, as well as flat-faced breeds like English Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, and Pugs.

Snoring that is loud and prolonged is a typical symptom of sleep apnea. Obese Yorkies can be treated with a variety of methods, including weight reduction, surgery, and steam air purifiers.

Excess internal fat or incorrect respiratory architecture might cause a dog’s airway to collapse or constrict, causing sleep apnea and waking him up for 9 to 15 seconds at a time.

If your Yorkie is snoring loudly and waking up frequently at night, get veterinarian help right once.

3. REM behavior disorder

In hyperactive dogs like Yorkies, body movement or activity during sleep is a sign of REM Behavior Disorder.

This inclination can become excessive or aggressive in certain Yorkies, such as crashing into walls or assaulting manmade items.

REM Behavior Disorder differs from seizures in that Yorkies with REM Behavior Disorder wake up normally, with no confusion or disorientation.

If you observe any changes in your Yorkie’s sleeping patterns, take him to the vet as soon as possible.

Once the sickness has been appropriately diagnosed, work with your veterinarian to develop a treatment plan that will successfully control the condition and help your Yorkie sleep better.

Read more: Why Do Yorkies Shake: 12 Common Reasons

4. Insomnia

Anxiety, physical health difficulties like arthritis or an accident, stress, itching conditions, renal illness, or diabetes are all common causes of insomnia in Yorkies.

Cognitive impairment caused by brain degeneration in senior Yorkies can alter sleep patterns and induce insomnia.

Exercising frequently during the day, arranging fun before bedtime, enhancing the sleeping environment, and obtaining an ergonomic bed for your Yorkie if they have arthritis are all well-known ways to help your Yorkie sleep better.

5. Anxiety

Separation anxiety is common in Yorkies, especially pups. They yearn for their owners’ presence at night, resulting in whining, barking, and destructive behavior. 

This may be remedied through training, which should begin as soon as feasible.

Read more: Why Do Yorkies Cry So Much (8 Reasons).

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Samuel Ogbonna
Samuel Ogbonna

I'm Samuel Ogbonna, the founder of allpetspot.com. I grew up with lots of pets, with 15 years of experience living with pets. My love for pets made me start allpetspot.com, I'm here to share his experiences with pets.

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