Why Do Yorkies Shake: 12 Common Reasons

Most Yorkie owners always ask why do Yorkies shake sometimes, and that is what we will be discussing all through this post.

We will outline and discuss the most common reasons why your Yorkie would be shaking, this can cause panic to Yorkie owners if not properly understood.

So, you have to read through to understand the most common reasons why your Yorkie could be shaking so that you can have a clue of what is going on.

Let me quickly answer your question why do Yorkies shake in summary before we break it down one by one.

Why do Yorkies shake

Yorkies shake for a multitude of reasons, including excitement, stress, toxic ingestion, cold weather, signs of seizures, generalized tremor syndrome, as a sign of old age, and medical issues.

Shaking is a common reaction to some behavioral and environmental circumstances, but it may also be a warning sign in other situations.

The following are some of the typical reasons for shaking in Yorkies that may be beyond your control:

1. Sign of old age

Yorkies are one of the longest-living dog breeds, with some living to be 15 years old. They do have health difficulties as they become older, owing to their long life span.

There’s not much you can do to aid an elderly Yorkie that shakes or shivers without seeing your veterinarian.

This is because their joints are weak and old, and they can no longer properly support their bodies’ weight, as a result of many health issues linked with aging.

Tremors in both the back and front legs are more common in elderly Yorkies, making it difficult for them to move properly and causing trembling or shivering.

As your Yorkie reaches the age of 11, consult with your veterinarian to determine the best course of action for your elderly Yorkie.

Other signs of old age in Yorkies include:

  1. A difficulty with eyesight has arisen.
  2. Hearing loss is a significant problem.
  3.  Gaining or losing weight.
  4. Energy depletion.
  5. Arthritis and joint problems will become more prevalent.
  6. Hairs, muscular tone, teeth flexibility, and skin will depreciate.
  7. The immune system will be weakened as a result.
  8. The Yorkies’ mental capabilities will diminish.

2. Drop in blood sugar (Hypoglycemia)

An abrupt reduction in blood sugar is known as hypoglycemia. When your Yorkie’s body lacks sugar, it begins to shake.

Yorkies are also susceptible to hypoglycemia, a medical condition that can cause them to tremble and shake.

Because their capacity to manage sugar levels in their blood has not completely matured, this ailment is more frequent in infant Yorkies (up to 4 months).

Hypoglycemia can result in a loss of consciousness or, in the worst-case scenario, death.

Stress, a lack of nourishment, and even being the runt of the litter can all contribute to hypoglycemia.

Yorkies will show additional symptoms such as lethargy, convulsions, or weariness in addition to shaking.

Shaking due to Hypoglycemia is accompanied by other uncommon symptoms, such as vomiting, should be treated as soon as possible.

Low blood sugar is nearly often a sign of a deeper problem, such as a lack of nutrition, parasites, chilly conditions, or overall stress.

3. Consumption of toxic substances

Some substances are harmless to humans but dangerous to smaller canines like Yorkies.

Cigarettes contain nicotine, which is hazardous, whereas xylitol is a sugar alternative found in many chewing gums. Both are harmful to small dogs, such as Yorkies.

These chemicals or poisons can cause severe shaking and shivers in tiny dogs like Yorkies.

Your Yorkie might be trembling or shivering due to a bee sting, a snake bite, severe food poisoning, or scorpion stings.

Even if you don’t see your Yorkie come into contact with anything poisonous or toxic, this is a serious worry.

Because of their size and strength, little dogs like Yorkies react quickly to poisons. As a result, keep your Yorkie away from potentially harmful substances and tiny animals.

Please take your Yorkie to the veterinarian if you suspect or detect that he has swallowed anything possibly harmful or has been bitten by a tiny animal.

The following are further symptoms of toxin ingestion in Yorkies:

  1. Continues vomiting
  2. Difficulty breathing
  3. Weakness
  4. Fainting
  5. Disorientation

4. Sign of cold

A Yorkie’s typical body temperature is 37 to 39 degrees Celsius, which implies your Yorkie will become chilly if the room or ambient temperature goes too low.

Yorkies, despite their longhairs, they may still get chilly; however, this is entirely dependent on where you live.

If the temperature in the surroundings lowers to a level that your Yorkie cannot withstand, your Yorkie may begin to quiver.

If your Yorkie is trembling, consider the temperature of the room. However, some Yorkies love playing on snow, it’s your duty to know when to take them away.

5. Sign of excitement

Yorkies are ecstatic when a family member returns home since they were created to thrive on human interaction.

This enthusiasm may be observed in the dog’s pores, which cause trembling or shaking, which is not an indication of fear or illness.

Yorkies may shake and shiver as they prepare to eat their favorite dish or play with their favorite toy.

When Yorkies return home late at night, they may shake, howl, and even urinate with excitement; nevertheless, this is unrelated to illness.

While many of these behaviors are normal in Yorkies and other companion dogs, keeping your greetings cold and quick may help your Yorkie relax.

6. Sign of fear

Fear is most likely one of the primary causes of your Yorkie’s trembling. It’s worth noting that each dog is unique, and what produces dread in one dog may not be the same in another.

Yorkshire Terriers, for example, are frequently lifted up and carried by their owners.

You might not realize it, but your Yorkie’s biggest dread is height.

It’s critical to pay attention to your Yorkie’s environmental signals and look for signs of dread.

Things that causes fear in Yorkies

  1. Gunshots
  2. Fireworks
  3. Bigger objects or animals
  4. Arrival of new pets
  5. New family member

7. Sign of nausea

When a Yorkie is constipated or has diarrhea, they tremble a lot.

Furthermore, nausea can produce trembling during long automobile journeys or while eating unpalatable meals.

Vomiting, drooling, and yawning are all symptoms of nausea.

If your Yorkie shakes a lot, think about your daily routine and how it affects your dog.

For example, that enjoyable automobile journey you take every day might be the cause of your Yorkie’s tremors.

8. Sign of Anxiety

Yorkies, for example, are prone to uneasiness and separation anxiety.

When you have to leave them at home, they may become agitated and shiver, or they may see other animals as a threat.

Fears exist in dogs, just like they do in people. Some of them shiver when they hear fireworks, thunder, or other loud noises.

When they quiver, they usually flatten their ears and bury their tails between their legs for these reasons.

When Yorkies are stressed, they shiver, and around half of all dogs hide or withdraw when they are stressed.

Urinary accidents, shedding, scratching, licking, and drooling are all scenarios that might occur.

9. Sign of seizure

Seizure is a neurological condition that causes dogs to shake and pass out unintentionally.

Seizures affect dogs of varied sizes and breeds, as well as other animals.

Seizures are unlikely to injure the dog physically, although they may cause damage if the dog falls or knocks items over and into itself.

If your Yorkie starts having seizures, call your veterinarian right away. Seizure control drugs may be able to help with this.

Seizures in Yorkies can also take the following forms:

  1. Collapsing
  2. Jerking
  3. Loss of consciousness
  4. Stiffening
  5. Foam in mouth
  6. Muscle twitching
  7. Tongue chewing

Difference between Yorkie Seizures vs Shaking

Normal shivering and shaking are not the same as a seizure, in which the muscles cramp up and the dog loses both mobility and awareness of their surroundings.

While Yorkies shaking may subside in a short period of time, seizures may require the assistance of a veterinarian.

Take your dog to an emergency veterinarian straight away if you suspect your dog is having a seizure and they aren’t being treated for a seizure disease.

While most causes of shivering in dogs are minor, it’s always a good idea to consult your veterinarian if you’re unsure.

They can both explain why a dog is shivering and detect whether something more serious is happening.

Even if you have no reason to be concerned, getting a second opinion from a veterinarian will offer you peace of mind.

10. Sign of generalized tremor syndrome

Yorkies, Boston terriers, Shih Tzus, and Chihuahuas are more susceptible to generalized tremor syndrome than other small breeds.

Full-body tremors comparable to those experienced by a dog when it is cold describe this illness, often known as shaker syndrome.

Generalized tremor syndrome has different indications and symptoms in different dogs, although it most commonly affects Yorkies between the ages of 2 and 6.

Despite the fact that no one knows what causes widespread tremor syndrome, it is generally thought to be harmless and not too dangerous.

Your veterinarian may prescribe corticosteroids, but for some dogs, shaking is an inescapable part of life.

If your Yorkie continues to tremble for no apparent cause, always visit your veterinarian.

11. Sign of chronic pains

If your senior Yorkie shakes or chills, especially in his hindquarters, he might be suffering from canine arthritis.

Many pains can cause Yorkies to shiver or shake excessively, so if you see uncontrollable shaking, keep an eye on your dog.

Infections, injuries, and even dental problems may put Yorkies in a lot of pain.

Your veterinarian may prescribe additional diagnostic tests and/or pain treatment depending on the source of your puppy’s suffering.

12. Sign of high fever

One of the most common reasons for shaking in Yorkies is a high temperature, which can be caused by a number of things.

The usual body temperature of a Yorkie is 37 to 39 degrees Celsius, but if it climbs over that, it might indicate a fever.

High temperatures have been linked to tremors in Yorkies, which can be caused by a variety of circumstances, including:

  1. Increased respiratory rate
  2. Infections
  3. Poisoning
  4. Dry nose
  5. Heatstroke

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Yorkies panting and shaking

Stress, more severe pain, discomfort, poisoning, renal sickness, injury, allergic reactions, toxins, bites, and stings are all possible causes of excessive panting and shivering in Yorkies.

If your Yorkie is trembling, don’t ignore it, especially if it isn’t due to excitement; whatever the cause, make an appointment with your veterinarian.

Yorkies vomiting and shaking

An upset stomach in a Yorkie can be caused by a poisonous plant, onion ball, garlic ball, or poisoned substance, all of which can cause vomiting and shaking.

A bloated stomach, pancreatitis, or renal disease can all induce vomiting and shaking in Yorkies.

Trembling and vomiting in your Yorkie are signals that something is amiss, and they should visit a doctor right away.

Keep track of how frequently they vomit, as well as the amount and color of their vomit, and contact your veterinarian if it doesn’t cease after a few hours.

Yorkie shaking its head

Ear infections, flea bites on the head skin, allergies, and head tremors as a result of a head injury can cause Yorkies to shake their heads.

Yorkies may shake their heads due to old age or other conditions.

Yorkies are prone to ear infections due to the appearance of their ears, and ear infections are one of the most prevalent reasons why their owners see their veterinarian each year.

As your Yorkie gets older, shaking of the head might indicate an ear infection, ear mites, parasites, allergies, hematoma, toxins, or even balance concerns.

Examine their ears to see if anything is amiss, but the problem persists. Schedule a consultation with your veterinarian.

Yorkies shaking of hind legs

Yorkies’ hind leg shaking might be caused by patellar luxation or generalized tremor syndrome, which is common in small breeds including Yorkies, Boston terriers, miniature pinschers, and Chihuahuas.

Remember that shaking doesn’t always mean your dog has a neck or spinal injury or a neurological disorder; nevertheless, if you’re still concerned, get medical attention.

Patellar luxation, often known as sliding or floating kneecaps, is a common problem that affects many dogs’ rear legs, especially small breeds like Yorkies. The most common causes are anxiety, a cold, or age-related tremors.

I hope your question Why Do Yorkies Shake was answered to your understanding.

Don’t forget to check with your Veterinarian if your Yorkie is shaking more than you can handle.

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Samuel Ogbonna
Samuel Ogbonna

I'm Samuel Ogbonna, the founder of allpetspot.com. I grew up with lots of pets, with 15 years of experience living with pets. My love for pets made me start allpetspot.com, I'm here to share his experiences with pets.

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