11 Shih Tzu Eating Problems & Solutions

Shih Tzu eating problems is an issue for most people who own a Shih Tzu this is because Shih Tzus are picky eaters with a sensitive stomach.

In this post, we will outline and discuss some of the most common Shih Tzu eating problems you should know when living with a Shih Tzu.

Your Shih Tzu’s health is determined by what you feed him. It’s critical to know what to feed your Shih Tzu and how much to feed him in order for him to live a long and happy life.

At the end of this post, we will outline some common ways to ensure you avoid contributing to your Shih Tzu eating problems.

Shih Tzu Eating Problems

Dental issues, internal blockages, unpleasant medicine responses, changes in their surroundings, allergies, improper meal composition, and other issues affect Shih Tzus’ eating patterns.

Although, it is possible; most of the time, this is due to something in the pet food disagreeing with the pooch’s taste receptors.

The following are some of the most common eating issues that Shih Tzus face:

1. Eating problems rising from adverse reaction to drugs

A number of serious and contagious canine ailments have vaccines available.

Despite the fact that these injections have saved millions of dogs’ lives over the last century, they can sometimes induce negative effects.

The majority of them are minor and temporary, such as a dog’s temporary loss of appetite.

Be extra cautious if your dog gets access to pharmaceuticals or medical attention, as it can become an eating problem.

If your dog is having any sort of eating problems, vomiting or has diarrhea, see a veterinarian right immediately, especially if you just finished any sort of medication.

2. Bowel blockages

Internal blockages in the dog’s stomach can cause Shih Tzu eating issues, which can be caused by a variety of causes.

Foreign materials, such as toys, stones, bones, and other objects, are the most prevalent cause of bowel obstructions in dogs.

Because they are unable to pass through the intestines, these things become trapped. They have the potential to cause perforation of the stomach and intestines.

Bowel blockages can cause so many Shih Tzu eating problems, and therefore always give your Shih Tzu good attention to ensure you avoid bowel blockages.

Read more about the 4 Common Shih Tzu Sleeping Disorders.

3. Dental problems

Your Shih Tzu may refuse to eat because everything in his or her mouth aches.

Look for broken or loose teeth, severe gingivitis, or even an oral tumor.

If your Shih Tzu’s teeth are broken, loose, or horrible, or if his gums are inflamed, this might be the cause of his inability to eat.

While evaluating your Shih Tzu’s teeth and body, look for parasites, changes in their fur and skin, and any lumps or injuries.

If you see something unusual in your Shih Tzu’s teeth or skin don’t hesitate to call a veterinarian.

4. Eating problems due to environmental changes

Your Shih Tzu may have stopped eating because he ate something he shouldn’t have in his environment.

Examine your houseplants, carpets, pet toys, and any other items in your home that your pet has access to.

It’s possible that a change in environment is causing your puppy or new dog to refuse to eat. If you’ve recently moved, the situation is the same.

Whether your Shih Tzu has been spending time with other people during the day, find out if someone has previously fed him.

5. Anxiety

Anxiety and stress are two of the most common causes of Shih Tzu eating disorders, and they can also affect your Shih Tzu’s behavior.

For a petite breed of dog like the Shih Tzu, there are many things that might create anxiety or be unpleasant.

The following are some indicators of anxiousness in Shih Tzus:

  1. Whining
  2. Excessive sleeping
  3. Destructive chewing
  4. Hiding
  5. Growling
  6. Scratching
  7. Freezing
  8. Excessive Barking
  9. Pacing

Here’s all you need to know about Shih Tzu’s anxiety and how to deal with it.

Let’s look at some of the reasons for anxiety and stress in Shih Tzus, which include:

  1. Too much exercise
  2. Leaving your Shih Tzu at home alone for too long
  3. Changing food regularly
  4. Loud sounds
  5. Changes in daily routine
  6. Lack of mental stimulation
  7. Lack of exercise

6. Eating problems due to changes in meal

Have you made any recent dietary adjustments to your Shih Tzu diet? This might make it difficult for Shih Tzus to eat.

If you change foods or want to try a new product, your dog may not appreciate what you’re currently giving him.

This might also be an issue if your dog’s food hasn’t been changed in a long time.

If dogs eat the same thing every day for months, they may become bored with food.

7. Eating problems due to sizes of meal

Your Shih Tzu eating problems might be caused by the size and consistency of the kibbles of food you give him.

Because of the shape of your Shih Tzu face, some kibbles are specifically designed to fit your Shih Tzu small mouth.

The larger the meal, the more difficult it is for your Shih Tzu to eat which presents some of the Shih Tzu eating problems.

Because Shih Tzus are little dogs, you should always reduce the amount and size of food you give them.

Read more about the 11 Shih Tzu Stress Symptoms.

8. Eating problems due to food allergies

Food allergies cause Shih Tzus to claw and chew at their skin and fur more than usual.

This might indicate that they’re having an allergic response to anything in their meals or drinking water.

Allergy symptoms in Shih Tzus include:

  1. Aggression
  2. Paw chewing
  3. Diarrhea
  4. Poor coat colors
  5. Lack of energy
  6. Shedding
  7. Itchy skin
  8. Excessive licking
  9. Hyperactivity
  10. Whining
  11. Pacing
  12. Restlessness, etc.

9. Eating problems due to worm infestation

Worms are among the most common Shih Tzu eating problems, and worms can cause undesirable behaviors such as vomiting.

When a Shih Tzu is infected with worms, it becomes difficult for them to eat, even when they are hungry.

Shih Tzus may catch worms in a variety of ways, including:

  • Fleas
  • Eating worm larvae
  • Infected water bowl
  • Licking themselves
  • From other worm infected pets
  • Mosquitoes

10. Unusual food flavors

Shih Tzus are known for their sensitive stomachs, powerful odors, and excellent taste sensibilities.

This may be an issue for Shih Tzus and their owners since they are finicky about the fragrance of the food they consume.

Shih Tzus have a hard time eating kibbles or wet food, as well as a cooked meal with an unusual flavor.

As a result, attempting to obtain any food should be a collaborative effort between you, your veterinarian, and your dog.

Shih Tzus will not consume any food that has an unusual or unsettling flavor.

If your Shih Tzu is having trouble eating, be sure to check the meal flavor.

Read more about the 10 Signs That Your Shih Tzu Is Dying.

11. Health issues

A loss of appetite in Shih Tzus is often a sign of disease, especially if your dog is exhibiting other symptoms at the same time.

Although a loss of appetite in dogs does not usually indicate a serious disease, it is a symptom that something is wrong.

It is critical to get veterinary assistance as soon as possible since it might be a sign of a serious illness such as cancer, various systemic infections, discomfort, liver problems, or renal failure.

If your Shih Tzu isn’t eating, investigate his or her health.

Read more about the 9 Top Reasons Shih Tzu Refuses To Walk.

Solutions to Shih Tzu eating problems

Here are some common ways to prevent and fix Shih Tzu eating problems:

  1. Create and maintain a daily schedule that works for you and your Shih Tzu.
  2. Learn about your dog’s favorite flavors and scents.
  3. Check to see if your dog’s food is at the correct temperature.
  4. Before feeding your Shih Tzu, always check the expiration date of each food.
  5. Sprinkle a little wet food on top of your dog’s dry food to add some extra-tasty temptation.
  6. Make the food more appealing if required.
  7. Rethink the foods you’re putting on the table for your Shih Tzu.
  8. Keep in mind the different serving sizes.
  9. Check to see if your dog has any health issues.
  10. Experiment with various food dishes and serving methods for your dog’s food.
  11. Reducing the amount of treats you offer your dog is a good idea.
  12. Establish a regular feeding schedule for your dog, generally twice a day, and make sure she gets the proper amount of food each time.

Common mistakes to avoid when feeding Shih Tzu

Here are some common mistakes most Shih Tzu owners make with feeding:

  1. Failure to choose a healthy diet or food for your Shih Tzu.
  2. Failure to feed the appropriate amount of dog food
  3. Failure to consider Shih Tzus’ special needs
  4. Snacking on unhealthy foods.
  5. The failure to read the dog food label.
  6. Failure to take into account timing issues.
  7. Not keeping track of your Shih Tzu’s weight gain or loss.
  8. Not sure what foods Shih Tzus should avoid.
  9. Not making slow changes to your Shih Tzu’s diet and changing meal once.
  10. Forcing your Shih Tzu to accept meals.

I hope your question about Shih Tzu Eating Problems was resolved, always talk to your veterinarian if your Shih Tzu stops eating as usual over a time range!

Read more about the 10 Shih Tzu Behavior Problems & Solutions.

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Samuel Ogbonna
Samuel Ogbonna

I'm Samuel Ogbonna, the founder of allpetspot.com. I grew up with lots of pets, with 15 years of experience living with pets. My love for pets made me start allpetspot.com, I'm here to share his experiences with pets.

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