Do Shih Tzus Shed: 10 Shedding Triggers & Control Tips

Do Shih Tzus Shed is an interesting question because Shih Tzus have long hair, which may seem to be a problem for most people.

In this post, we will outline and discuss some common things that trigger shedding in Shih Tzus.

We will also discuss ways to control excessive shedding in Shih Tzus, so sit tight and read through.

Let me quickly answer your question do Shih Tzus shed before we continue to what causes excessive shedding in Shih Tzus.

Do Shih Tzus Shed

Shih Tzus shed their hair on occasion, although compared to other dog breeds, their shedding rate is fairly low. Their hair is commonly hung in their long coat because they shed less, giving the impression that they do not shed.

If you believe or claim that Shih Tzus do not shed, you should conduct further study and reconsider your position.

If you really want to know if Shih Tzus shed, obtain a long comb with a lake-like tooth and clean your Shih Tzus first thing in the morning.

Shih Tzus are hypoallergenic dogs because they create little or no protein that we perceive as allergies.

Reasons Shih Tzus Shed

Here are some of the most prevalent reasons why Shih Tzu sheds more than usual:

1. Parasite and infection infestations

Bacterial diseases, fungal infections, and infestation are all typical causes of hair loss in Shih Tzus.

These health problems typically cause a lot of pain and contribute to hormonal imbalances, which lead to hair loss.

Bacterial infections such as salmonella can be caught by the consumption of raw foods such as raw chicken.

The illness might be caused by a fungal infection. This can happen if your Shih Tzu comes into contact with mold or other types of mold.

Mold can grow on snacks and dry foods, so store them properly after each use.

Keep in mind that Shih Tzus are curious dogs that will sniff out whatever they can find in the crevices of your house.

As a result, make sure your home and the locations where your Shih Tzu hangs out are mold-free.

When the Shih Tzu inhales spores on the ground, on birds, and on other things, excessive shedding can develop.

2. Increase in body temperature and age

Any rise in body temperature causes excessive shedding in Shih Tzus, who are prone to heat exhaustion.

Shih Tzus shed a lot, especially if they reside somewhere hot. They expel more than those who live in temperate climates.

When a Shih Tzu’s body temperature rises, shedding occurs, which is typically mild.

As a result, you should not overwork your Shih Tzu; a 10-minute daily walk should suffice. If you overwork them, you’ll discover hairs all over your house.

Keep a close check on their temperature and avoid any activity that might cause it to rise.

Because of the size and structure of the nose, a rise in body temperature can also cause difficulties breathing.

As Shih Tzus grows old they shed more than when they are much younger.

So old age is also one of the reasons why your Shih Tzu may start shedding.

3. Alterations in your Shih Tzu’s diet

This sort of shedding is common in Shih Tzus whose owners want to experiment with different meals rather than sticking to tried-and-true recipes.

A change in your Shih Tzu diet may cause hair loss and shedding. If your Shih Tzu’s food is lacking in nutrients, this is more likely to happen.

If you change your Shih Tzu’s diet and see a change in their coat, go back to the previous food.

Your Shih Tzu will shed more to compensate for the lack of or excess nutrients when you move to a new dog diet that is weak in specific nutrients.

Before switching your dog’s diet, always consult your veterinarian.

Read more: 11 Shih Tzu Eating Problems & Solutions.

4. Anxiety

Shih Tzus shed a lot because dogs that are under a lot of stress lose their hair, and Shih Tzus are no exception.

Hormonal fluctuations occur frequently when the Shih Tzu is overworked, stressed, or nervous, resulting in excessive or low secretions.

When things get really exciting, your dog will start tossing hair more regularly for the same reason.

When you return home from a trip and find hairs all over the place, you might think your Shih Tzu is growing more hair, but this is only a sign of stress.

As a result, stress-related dog hair loss is constantly associated with worry, sadness, and other unpleasant emotions.

Remember that Shih Tzus are a little breed that was created specifically to be a human companion, thus they can’t handle too much stress.

5. Effects of medication

If you give your Shih Tzu medicine and it starts shedding right away, the medication’s side effects may be contributing to the unnecessary shedding.

Certain medicines, on the other hand, may induce excessive scratching and shed in your Shih Tzu as a result of irritation or scaling.

Some illnesses may cause your Shih Tzu to overbrush herself, resulting in baldness.

As soon as possible, consult a veterinarian. You should have your dog checked out if he is shedding excessively to rule out any health concerns.

Check with your veterinarian to see if any of your Shih Tzu’s medicines are causing her to shed excessively.

6. Allergies

Allergies to food or the environment might scratch a Shih Tzu’s skin and cause shedding.

Your dog may scratch, lick, or bite himself as a result, causing significant hair loss.

Food, dust, medicine, and bug stings can all trigger allergies in dogs.

When dogs come into contact with anything they are allergic to, their hair falls out as a result of an allergic reaction on their skin.

This form of shedding doesn’t happen all the time; you’ll only notice it once in a while.

If you see allergy triggers, keep them out of your Shih Tzu’s reach.

If you’re concerned about your dog’s excessive shedding due to allergies, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian.

7. Illnesses

If your Shih Tzu is unwell, you’ll notice that his or her hair is falling out in clumps more than anything else.

The pattern changes when your Shih Tzu sheds appropriately. This type of hair loss does not occur in clumps.

It’s important to be aware of this, so you may immediately treat your Shih Tzu to make him feel better.

Hair loss in Shih Tzus can be caused by or worsened by a variety of factors.

Here are a handful of the most common Shih Tzu health problems that are associated with hair loss:

  1. Skin diseases
  2. Thyroid issues
  3. Kidney disease
  4. Adrenal issues
  5. Cancer
  6. Hypothyroidism

8. Time of the year

The season is one of the key causes of Shih Tzu shedding since the rate or degree of shedding is determined by the season.

In the spring, there will be a lot more Shih Tzu hair droppings than in the winter.

As a result, it’s reasonable to assume that the shedding rate of Shih Tzus is impacted by the season.

Shih Tzus shed their undercoat in the spring to avoid the heat, then lose it in the summer to create thicker winter coats.

In mild weather, Shih Tzu sheds less, so keep your Shih Tzu’s temperature down during the spring.

If you don’t look after your Shih Tzu throughout the summer, you’ll be surprised at how much they shed.

9. Hormonal inconsistency

Hypothyroidism is a hormonal disorder that affects Shih Tzus regularly.

It affects the thyroid gland in dogs, causing a deficiency in thyroxine, a hormone that regulates metabolism.

This ailment causes hair loss, a dull and thin coat, discolored spots of skin, fatigue, a lack of motivation to exercise, and weight gain.

10. Unbalanced diet

Shih Tzus may lose a lot of hair if they eat a bad diet. Shih Tzus are affected by food insecurity or a poor diet in the same manner as humans are.

A dietary imbalance in Shih Tzus might cause significant hair loss. So, be cautious about what you feed your dog.

Make an appointment with your veterinarian if you notice any especially significant shedding after altering your puppy’s food, whether it’s winter or spring.

Shih Tzus are no exception to the rule that we are what we eat. If Shih Tzus consume a balanced diet, they will be healthier.

A well-balanced diet provides the minerals and vitamins needed to keep skin healthy, hair follicles robust, and discharges to a minimum.

Omega-3 fatty acids are known to promote healthy hair growth in Shih Tzus, therefore including them in their diet is always a smart idea.

A liquid diet is very important in the life of a Shih Tzu because dry skin can lead to unneeded hair loss.

Ways of preventing and controlling shedding in Shih Tzus

Some of the most common ways for managing or minimizing shedding in Shih Tzus include the following:

1. Keep your Shih Tzu hydrated at all times

Your Shih Tzu should always have access to clean drinking water to avoid dry skin, which also helps to lower your Shih Tzu’s body temperature.

This is important because dogs that don’t drink enough water have dry skin and hair, which contributes to excessive shedding.

If your dog’s water dish is maintained clean and full, the risk of harmful microorganisms being consumed is decreased.

Keep an eye on your dog’s water bowls to ensure that they are only drinking clean water.

Not only may dehydration cause health issues, but it can also cause shedding.

As a result, make sure your dog has access to fresh water at all times.

Try one of the following approaches if you’re having trouble encouraging your dog to drink enough water:

  1. Give them a present and congratulate them after they finish their drink.
  2. Place their water dish next to their bed or a favorite lounging location for them.
  3. Their food should be supplemented with water.
  4. Give them some ice cubes if you have some on hand.

2. Allergens of any kind should be kept away from your Shih Tzu

Eliminating allergies is one of the most essential things you can do to protect your Shih Tzu from shedding excessively.

Shih Tzu allergies can be caused by pollen, mold spores, dust mites, and dead skin cells, to name a few allergens.

Keep a watch on your dog’s skin and hair for rashes or hair loss that might suggest a food allergy.

Symptoms of a Shih Tzu’s allergic response

Some of the most common indicators that your Shih Tzu is allergic to specific foods or materials are as follows:

  1. The skin is continuously being bitten by your Shih Tzu.
  2. Sneezing on a regular basis
  3. A runny nose.
  4. Licking often the paw or skin.
  5. This is a typical case of diarrhea.
  6. The face swells up.
  7. He vomits a lot.
  8. Eyes that are tearing up.
  9. Ears that itch.

3. Provide a stress-free atmosphere for your Shih Tzu

If your Shih Tzu is agitated or anxious, it will shed more hair than usual.

They may sometimes exaggerate their grooming, resulting in bald patches or skin discomfort.

Stress should be avoided at all costs since it might cause your pets to shed excessively.

Here are some Shih Tzu stress-relieving techniques:

  1. Reduce the number of times you change your dog’s food.
  2. Maintain a safe distance between your dog and loud noises such as gunfire.
  3. Stop straying from your Shih Tzu’s daily routine.
  4. It’s not a good idea to scream at your Shih Tzu.
  5. Stop tampering with your dog’s mealtimes.
  6. Stop interfering with your home’s appearance.
  7. Make sure there are plenty of toys on hand.
  8. Assist your Shih Tzu by providing plenty of mental stimulation.

4. Daily brushing

Brushing your Shih Tzu’s hair is one of the most effective hair loss prevention strategies.

It not only increases blood flow to the skin’s surface but also aids in the dispersion of natural lipids.

It also means that any stray hairs plucked from your Shih Tzu’s coat during brushing will not end up on the floor or on the couch.

Because Shih Tzus likes treats, they are always supplied before and after brushing.

Brushing your Shih Tzu at least three times each week for an average of 11-15 minutes is recommended.

Depending on your schedule, you may be necessary to brush your Shih Tzu at least four times every seven days, but if you’re short on time, brush once every two days to avoid tangles.

5. Provide high-quality dog food and supplements

Keep a watch on your Shih Tzu food intake. In all dogs, a well-balanced diet promotes healthy skin and decreases shedding.

A Shih Tzu’s food should be nutritious and well-balanced. How well you feed your Shih Tzu will impact the quality of its coat.

Feed a well-balanced food to your Shih Tzu to keep even the slightest hair shedding on the inside to a minimum.

If your Shih Tzu consumes dog chow high in Omega-3 fatty acids, oils, and minerals, her hair and skin will be as smooth and healthy as possible.

Consult your veterinarian before making any changes to your Shih Tzu’s food.


Dietary supplements often contain natural fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-3 fatty acids, which are very beneficial to Shih Tzus and help keep their skin and coat in top shape.

If your Shih Tzu has skin problems, he or she will scratch and itch a lot, causing more hair to fall out of the follicles.

Give your Shih Tzu a good vitamin and Omega-3 supplement to help reduce shedding and itching.

Supplements containing these compounds, in addition to being of good nutritional quality, are very beneficial for hair removal.

In addition to skin and coat advantages, fish oil maintains healthy joints and bones.

Before using an antibiotic, always consult your veterinarian.

6. Avoid switching dog food when you like

Changing your dog’s food on a frequent basis is not a good idea.

Don’t start switching meals from one meal to another because it may cause unpleasant shedding.

Shih Tzus might be sensitive to new foods and vomit as a result, so choose one that suits you and stay with it.

If you need to change your Shih Tzu’s diet, you, your veterinarian, and your Shih Tzu should all agree.

Even if your physician has given you permission to make dietary changes to your Shih Tzu, pay close attention to how your dog reacts.

Appetite loss, fever, increased water consumption, excessively coughing, and a refusal to eat are all factors to consider while modifying your diet.

7. Avoid pest attacks

Fleas, ticks, and other parasites can irritate your Shih Tzu while also lowering the quality of its coat.

If flea bites are not treated consistently and effectively, they can cause significant hair loss as well as itchy, irritated skin in Shih Tzus.

Make an appointment with your veterinarian to talk about flea and tick prevention.

Worms and other parasites can infect your Shih Tzu in a number of ways, including the ones listed below:

  1. In Shih Tzus, ingesting fleas by accident might result in worms.
  2. Mosquitoes can infect dogs with heartworms, so keep them away.
  3. Your Shih Tzu may become worm-infected when pursuing a worm-infected rat in your backyard.
  4. Shih Tzus can acquire worm-infected by eating worm larvae.
  5. Shih Tzus have been caught eating worm larvae from abandoned houseplants.
  6. Your Shih Tzu might catch worms from your overgrown and neglected flower beds in the backyard.

8. Make medical appointments on a regular basis

This is an important step to take when thinking about how to prevent Shih Tzu shedding because shedding can be caused by a multitude of health conditions.

Always get advice from your veterinarian and have your Shih Tzu evaluated on a regular basis.

You should be aware of the following health hazards linked with hair loss:

  1. Adrenal issues
  2. Cancer
  3. Thyroid issues
  4. Lice attack
  5. Kidney disease
  6. Liver conditions

I hope your question Do Shih Tzus Shed was answered!

Read more: 10 Shih Tzu Behavior Problems & Solutions.

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Samuel Ogbonna
Samuel Ogbonna

I'm Samuel Ogbonna, the founder of I grew up with lots of pets, with 15 years of experience living with pets. My love for pets made me start, I'm here to share his experiences with pets.

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