Why Is My Shih Tzu Shaking: 9 Causes & Help Tips

Shih Tzu lovers always ask why is my Shih Tzu shaking, which is an interesting question and will make owners nervous.

In this post, we will outline and discuss some of the most common reasons why your Shih Tzu may shake.

Shih Tzu shaking comes with lots of things, but it’s normally a health condition or old age.

Before we continue, let me quickly answer your question why is my Shih Tzu shaking in a simple summary.

Read more: Why Do Shih Tzus Cry: 9 Common Reasons.

Why is my Shih Tzu shaking

In Shih Tzus, shivering and shaking might indicate a major problem such as poisoning, renal illness, or injury.

Look for additional indicators such as diarrhea, vomiting, or limping if your Shih Tzu starts shaking or shivering. Then contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Some of the reasons for your Shih Tzu’s shivering or shaking are beyond your control, such as:

1. Old Age

Shih Tzus are one of the longest-lived dog breeds, with some surviving up to 16 years old. As they mature, they suffer health problems.

There’s nothing you can do to aid Shih Tzus that quiver or shiver as they become older, without the help of your veterinarian.

This is due to the fact that their joints are weak and old, and they can no longer comfortably sustain their bodies’ weight.

Shih Tzus are more prone to develop tremors in both their back and front legs as they become older, making it harder for them to move correctly and resulting in shaking or shivering.

Here are some signs of old age in Shih Tzus:

  1. There is a visual impairment.
  2. Hearing loss is a problem.
  3. Gaining weight.
  4. Energy depletion.
  5. Arthritis and joint issues.
  6. Hair, muscular tone, teeth, and skin suppleness are all lost.
  7. The immune system is weakened.
  8. Mental abilities will be deteriorated.

2. Fever

Fever is one of the common reasons why Shih Tzu’s shake, this high fever can be caused by a number of things.

The normal body temperature of a Shih Tzu is between 38 and 39 degrees Celsius, therefore if it increases over that, it might be a sign of a fever.

High temperatures have been reported to produce tremors in Shih Tzus, which can be caused by a variety of reasons including:

  1. Heatstroke.
  2. Immune response to a vaccination.
  3. Ingestion of a poisonous substance.
  4. Infections.
  5. Inflammations.
  6. Parasites on both the inside and outside of the body.
  7. Poisoning.

Dry nose, increased heartbeat, increased respiratory rate are all common signs of fever in Shih Tzus.

Read more: My Shih Tzu Seems Sad: 8 Reasons & Solutions.

3. Ingestion of Toxins

Some substances are harmless to humans but deadly to little dogs like Shih Tzus.

Nicotine is a poisonous ingredient found in cigarettes, while xylitol is a sugar replacement found in many chewing gums.

Both are harmful to little dogs such as Shih Tzus.

These chemicals or poisons can cause excessive shaking and shivers in little dogs like Shih Tzus.

Your Shih Tzus might be stung by a bee, bitten by a snake, poisoned by bad food, or stung by scorpions.

Even if you don’t see your dog come into contact with something dangerous, this is a serious issue.

Due to their physical weight and strength, little dogs like Shih Tzus react quickly to toxins.

Please take your Shih Tzu to the veterinarian if you suspect or observe that he has ingested anything possibly harmful or has been bitten by a tiny animal.

Symptoms of toxins in Shih Tzus include:

  1. Depression
  2. Excessive drooling
  3. Continues vomiting
  4. Weakness
  5. Disorientation
  6. Continues diarrhea

4. Cold

A Shih Tzu’s typical body temperature is between 35 and 36 degrees Celsius, which implies that if the room or ambient temperature dips, your Shih Tzu will be impacted.

Even though Shih Tzus have lengthy coats, they can get chilly; however, this is entirely dependent on where you live.

If the temperature in the surroundings lowers to a level that your Shih Tzu can’t withstand, your Shih Tzu may begin to shake.

So, if your Shih Tzu is shaking, think about the temperature of your surroundings.

Here are some helpful hints for dealing with cold symptoms in Shih Tzus:

  1. Allowing your Shih Tzu outside when the temperature is too chilly is not a good idea.
  2. During the winter, never give your Shih Tzu a cold bath.
  3. Please keep your pup’s room warm when the weather or your house is too chilly.
  4. If the shaking remains after you’ve tried warming up your room, don’t hesitate to take your Shih Tzu to the vet.
  5. If you live in a chilly climate, a dog cold jacket is a good investment.
  6. Warm up your dog with a dog jacket, some exercise, or a change of scenery.

5. Generalized tremor syndrome

Shih Tzus, little pinschers, and Chihuahuas are all susceptible to generalized tremor syndrome.

Full-body tremors, comparable to when a dog feels cold, describe this illness, also known as shaker syndrome.

The symptoms of generalized tremor syndrome vary from dog to dog, however, it commonly begins in Shih Tzus between the ages of 2 and 5 years.

Although no one knows what causes widespread tremor syndrome, it is generally assumed to be harmless.

Corticosteroids may be prescribed by your veterinarian, however, shaking may be an inescapable part of life for certain dogs.

Read more: 9 Shih Tzu Anxiety Symptoms.

6. Seizures

Epilepsy is a neurological condition that causes dogs to shake and collapse. Large and small dogs, as well as other animals, are affected.

While seizures are unlikely to hurt the dog physically, they can result in injury if the dog falls or knocks items over and onto itself.

Consult your veterinarian right immediately if your Shih Tzu begins to have seizures. Seizure control drugs can help with this.

Signs of seizure in Shih Tzus include:

  1. Tongue chewing
  2. Collapsing
  3. Jerking
  4. Foaming mouth
  5. Muscle twitching
  6. Stiffening
  7. Loss of consciousness

7. Pain

If your older Shih Tzu shakes or chills, especially in his hindquarters, he might be suffering from canine arthritis.

Quite so many aches can lead Shih Tzus to shiver or shake involuntarily, so keep an eye on your Shih Tzu if you see involuntary shaking.

Infections, injuries, and even dental problems may cause a lot of pain in Shih Tzus.

Your veterinarian may prescribe additional diagnostic tests and/or pain treatment, depending on the reason for your pup’s pain.

8. Excitement

When a Shih Tzu’s family member returns home, the Shih Tzu is ecstatic since they were bred to thrive on human connection.

This zeal can be seen flowing from the dog’s pores, resulting in trembling or shaking, although this is not an indication of fear or disease.

Shih Tzus may shake and shiver as they prepare to eat their favorite dish or play with their favorite toy similarly.

Arriving home late at night may lead some Shih Tzus to shake, howl, and even urinate with excitement; however, this is unrelated to disease.

While many of the behaviors are prevalent in companionship dogs like Shih Tzus, keeping your welcomes cool and quick might help your Shih Tzu relax.

9. Distemper

Distemper is a virus that mostly affects puppies and young dogs that have not been fully vaccinated.

The distemper virus affects the gastrointestinal, neurological, and respiratory systems. The signs and symptoms of distemper are usually fatal.

Distemper must be treated by a veterinarian. If you suspect your dog has canine distemper, contact your veterinarian right once.

The good news is that because most Shih Tzus are vaccinated, distemper is uncommon in Shih Tzus.

Distemper is characterized by shaking and shivering, as well as other symptoms such as:

  1. Vomiting
  2. Eye discharge
  3. Nose discharge
  4. Coughing
  5. Fever
  6. Lethargy

Read more: 10 Shih Tzu Behavior Problems & Solutions.

Some forms of Shaking in Shih Tzus

Here are some common forms of shaking in Shih Tzus you should know:

1. Vomiting and shaking

An upset stomach in a Shih Tzu can be caused by anything the Shih Tzu ate, such as a poisonous plant, onion ball, garlic ball, or poisoned substance.

A bloated stomach, pancreatitis, or renal sickness can also cause it.

Trembling and vomiting in your Shih Tzu are symptoms that something is wrong, and they should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Keep track of how frequently they’re vomiting, as well as the amount and color of their vomit, and contact your veterinarian as soon as possible if it doesn’t cease within a few hours.

2. Panting and shaking

Stress, more severe pain, discomfort, poisoning, renal sickness, injury, allergic reactions, toxins, bites, and stings are all common causes of excessive panting and shivering in Shih Tzus.

Never take your Shih Tzu’s shaking for granted, even if it isn’t due to excitement; regardless of the cause, make an appointment with your veterinarian.

3. Shaking of head

Ear infections, flea bites on the head skin, allergies, and head tremors as a result of a head injury can all cause Shih Tzu shaking head.

Shaking head in Shih Tzus can be caused by old age or other conditions.

Shih Tzu dogs are prone to ear infections due to the way their ears appear, and ear infections are one of the most prevalent reasons why their owners see their veterinarian each year.

As your Shih Tzu gets older, shaking of the head might indicate an ear infection, ear mites, parasites, allergies, hematoma, toxins, or even balance concerns.

Examine their ears to see if anything is wrong, but the habit persists. Talk to your veterinarian.

4. Shaking of hind legs

Shih Tzu rear leg shaking might be due to patellar luxation or generalized tremor syndrome, which is common in small breeds like Shih Tzus, miniature pinschers, and Chihuahuas.

Remember that shaking doesn’t always mean your dog has a neck or spinal injury or a neurological issue; nevertheless, if you’re still concerned, get medical advice.

The most common causes are worry, a cold, or tremors that develop with age.

Patellar luxation, commonly known as sliding or floating kneecaps, is a common ailment that affects many dogs’ back legs, especially small breeds like the Shih Tzu.

The patella is the technical name for a kneecap, and luxation simply means that it has fallen out of place.

Read more: Do Shih Tzus Bark A lot: 11 Reasons They Bark & Solutions.

How to fix shaking in Shih Tzus

Here are some common ways to fix shaking in Shih Tzus:

  1. Figure out what caused the shaking.
  2. Keep your Shih Tzu medical records up to date.
  3. As your Shih Tzu ages, reduce the level of physical activities.
  4. Keep your environment free from all forms of toxins.
  5. Keep deadly plants or herbs away from your Shih Tzu.
  6. Provide high-quality food and supplements.
  7. When your Shih Tzu is shaking, make sure you provide adequate ventilation.
  8. Avoid over the counter drugs.
  9. Avoid too much outdoor activities or exercise under hot environment.
  10. Talk to your veterinarian as soon as possible.

I hope your question Why Is My Shih Tzu Shaking was answered!

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Samuel Ogbonna
Samuel Ogbonna

I'm Samuel Ogbonna, the founder of allpetspot.com. I grew up with lots of pets, with 15 years of experience living with pets. My love for pets made me start allpetspot.com, I'm here to share his experiences with pets.

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