10 Boston Terrier Separation Anxiety Signs & Solutions

Boston terrier separation anxiety symptoms and how to prevent separation anxiety in Boston terriers is exactly what this post is about, so if that is what you are looking for, then read on.

As a big fan of Boston terriers, I took my time to ask Boston terrier owners what separation anxiety they see with their pups and how to fix and prevent it.

I also made some research to come up with the list of Boston terrier separation anxiety signs and how to prevent separation anxiety in Boston terriers.

We will outline and discuss some of the most common signs of Boston terrier separation anxiety and also discuss ways to prevent it. Let’s roll!!!

Boston terrier separation anxiety

Separation anxiety in Boston terriers is a condition that Boston terriers can develop when separated from their owners or even when they are not left alone unattended for a long period.

Separation anxiety in Boston terriers can lead to unnecessary behaviors like biting, nipping, barking, self-isolation, injuries, and destructive chewing.

Leaving a Boston terrier at home alone is the major cause of Boston terrier separation anxiety and can be avoided by providing a companion.

Boston terriers separation anxiety triggers

Here are some common activities that triggers off Boston terrier separation anxiety:

  1. The death of a companion dog.
  2. There is a new owner.
  3. A deviation from the usual routine.
  4. In the home, there has been a huge shift.
  5. We are relocating to a new residence.
  6. Because of your employment, you have been separated for a long time.
  7. Due to a trip, there was a long period of separation.
  8. Leaving them alone on a regular basis.

Signs of separation anxiety in Boston terriers

The following are some of the most prevalent separation anxiety symptoms in Boston terriers:

1. Excessive whining

Your Boston terrier may whine at any moment if he is upset, worried, or suffering from separation anxiety.

If the stressor is anything like loud noises that your dog can’t get away from, the whining is typically followed by pacing.

It’s most likely stress if your Boston terrier isn’t screaming because he has to go outside or is in discomfort.

When dogs are agitated as a result of separation anxiety, they usually lose control of their natural whimpering.

It is, however, a sign that something in your Boston terrier’s environment is bothering him. Anxiety might manifest itself in the form of whining.

2. Uncontrollable urination or defecation

If your Boston terrier has been completely potty trained, yet has an accident every time you leave the house.

This is a strong indicator that your Boston terrier is feeling anxious while you’re away.

Due to anxiousness, your puppy or adult Boston terrier may start eating his or her own excrement so always look for this.

This symptom is unpleasant, but there are steps you can do to avoid it or just address the underlying reason, which may be worry.

3. Constantly scratching of doors or walls

Separation anxiety in Boston terriers causes stress and sadness, which can result in clawing of doors and walls.

You’ll notice your Boston terrier clawing the exit door as you leave for work if he has separation anxiety.

You may also notice that your Boston terrier is clawing your walls, which is an obvious indicator of nervousness brought on by being alone.

Never ignore your Boston terriers separation anxiety if you come home and find out scratches on your walls or doors, it’s a sign of frustration.

4. Excessive digging in your backyard

Separation anxiety is one of the most common causes for your Boston terrier digging up your yard.

They dig to keep themselves occupied since they are alone or have nothing else to do.

As a result, if you arrive home one day and see your Boston terrier digging in your backyard, you must take action.

That is a clear indication that your Boston terrier is bored and will only become worse if you ignore it.

5. Constantly trying to escape when you are leaving

When your Boston terrier is stressed, he may try all he can to get out of the house and locate you.

They’d slam his head and teeth against the crate bars, harming him as a result, all in the name of forcing him to go because he was afraid.

Don’t overlook your Boston terrier attempting to flee the house whenever you leave the house.

That is a serious situation, as it demonstrates that your Boston terrier is afraid of being alone, resulting in separation anxiety.

6. Destructive chewing of furniture

Depression, frustration, anxiety, stress, and loneliness are the most common reasons for destructive chewing in Boston terriers, all of which can be precipitated by separation anxiety.

Something is wrong if your Boston terrier is chewing everything he sees. It might be a sign of separation anxiety.

People will advise you to spray areas where you don’t want your Boston terrier to chew or hide your valuables and electronic cords.

But the fact is that you aren’t paying attention to your Boston terrier’s requirements. 

Instead of spraying or concealing things, why not figure out what’s causing the destructive chewing and remedy it once and for all?

If you like, you may acquire things for your Boston terrier to chew on to keep him away from your valuables.

7. Excessive self-isolation

Excessive hiding in Boston terriers can indicate a variety of factors, but separation anxiety and fear are the two most common causes.

When a Boston terrier is stressed, he may seek refuge in a confined area of the house or in a piece of the owner’s clothes that smells like him.

To relieve himself, your dog may spend hours curled up beneath the table or elsewhere in the house.

If your Boston terrier begins to hide unnecessarily, don’t ignore it; instead, attempt to figure out why. This is one of the clearest Boston Terrier separation anxiety.

8. Excessive freezing

When your Boston terrier freezes or becomes rigid when you return home from work or are about to leave, he is afraid of being alone.

Excessive freezing in your Boston terrier unduly may be extremely dangerous for both you and your Boston terrier.

It’s an indication that your Boston terrier is agitated and won’t be able to manage the situation, and a bite might be next.

Excessive freezing in small dogs, such as the Boston terrier, is a typical sign of nervousness that should not be overlooked.

9. Growling incessantly on owners departure

Because they can’t tell you if it’s furious or uncomfortable using words, your Boston terrier uses growling as a way of communication.

Growling is a common way for your Boston terrier to express how disturbed he or she is over time.

It might indicate that someone is invading their personal space, is suffering from separation anxiety, is terrified, or is irritated by anything.

It isn’t always meant to be hostile, but it is typically a sign that your dog is feeling uneasy.

If your Boston terrier is growling over food, for example, give them some space so they can eat in peace.

But don’t ignore your Boston terrier if they’re wailing because you’re going. This is one of the clear Boston terrier separation anxiety signs.

10. Excessive barking when alone

Separation anxiety can induce despair, frustration, worry, tension, and loneliness in Boston terriers, all of which can be triggered by excessive barking.

Separation anxiety in Boston terriers develops over time, but it can manifest within minutes of the owner’s departure, as we previously stated.

Because he is scared of being alone, your Boston terrier may bark excessively when you leave for work or somewhere else.

Even though Boston terriers are chatty when they are with their owners or when a stranger is present, they are only so when they are with their owners or when a stranger is there.

So, if your Boston terrier starts barking excessively more than normal, take attention.

Solutions to prevent separation anxiety in Boston terriers

If your Boston terrier already has separation anxiety, there are two pieces of advice I have for you; see your veterinarian or make out time to be with your Boston terrier.

However, there are other ways of preventing or resolving Boston terrier separation anxiety, which include the following listings.

The following are some of the most frequent methods for treating, stopping, or preventing separation anxiety in Boston terriers:

1. Bring in a second pet in as a buddy

Because they were selectively bred to be a human friend and thrive primarily on human interaction, Boston terriers are prone to separation anxiety.

If you are not always accessible, one of the best, if not the best, strategies to reduce separation anxiety in Boston terriers is to have a second companion pet as soon as possible.

If you have a second companion pet, your Boston terrier will be less likely to develop separation anxiety.

Therefore, you should obtain a second companion pet for your Boston terrier to avoid separation anxiety.

2. Always turn on the radio or television when leaving

Another typical method for preventing separation anxiety in dogs is to teach them to link serenity with watching TV or dog shows.

You may show your Boston terrier a variety of dog shows to help them relax and watch while you are away.

You should obtain as many dog films as possible and let your dog select the ones that will keep them occupied and quiet.

Teach your Boston terrier from the puppy stages to sit and watchdog shows on TV while you are busy with other activities.

3. Begin a crate training program that is suited for your dog

Crate training is an important way of puppy training that may assist with a range of concerns, including separation anxiety.

Crate training may provide your Boston terrier with a secure, peaceful place to unwind while you’re gone for a long amount of time.

The aim is to encourage the dog to associate pleasant things like chew toys and food-releasing puzzle toys with his kennel so that he likes spending time inside.

Some dogs feel safer and more at peace in their cage when left alone, so keep a watch on your puppy’s behavior to see whether his anxiety symptoms improve or worsen.

4. Try the ultimate Desensitization and Counter-Conditioning

Teach your Boston terrier that being separated has advantages. Start by leaving him for short periods of time and gradually increase the amount of time you spend away from him.

If your puppy is already conditioned to go into stress mode when he knows you’re leaving him, consider giving him a high-value reward that he enjoys and that you only use for important lessons and incentives.

If you offer him a special treat right before you leave, he could start to look forward to it.

You may also make your puppy’s departure routine less unpleasant by desensitizing him to the signs that you’re leaving.

5. Create a stress-free environment

Make your dog’s environment as pleasant as possible. When visiting a potentially stressful location, you should bring the same bed, blanket, or mat with you.

To encourage your dog to associate the mat with calm, reward soothing actions on the mat on a regular basis, even when stress levels are low.

When they leave the house, go to the vet, or are presented with anxiety triggers, they have a secure place to go.

6. Talk to your Boston terrier through remote camera

Another alternative is to buy one of the remote cameras offered on Amazon.

You’ll be able to view and talk to your dog while you’re at work. This may give you a great lot of comfort.

These dog cams have excellent Amazon ratings and might be a good choice if you intend on leaving your dog at home alone for a lengthy period of time.

7. Start desensitization with shorter absences

If you really must leave your Boston terrier alone at home all day, another alternative is, to begin with, short absences.

Take your keys and leave the house for 5 to 10 seconds, ignoring your Boston terrier.

While you’re gone through a little hole, keep an eye on your Boston terrier.

Before your Boston terrier gets into trouble, return home through the front entrance and act normal.

If your Boston terrier begins to snarl and howl, do not enter the house until they have calmed down.

8. If you are frequently gone, hire a pet sitter

If you are going to be gone for the majority of the day, it is a good idea to hire a pet sitter for your Boston terrier to avoid separation anxiety.

Depending on your state and agreements, a pet sitter for your Boston terrier will cost between $25 and $35.

So the pet sitter will always come to check on your Boston terrier while you are away till you return.

9. Create and maintain good daily routine

Make a playing, walking, gaming, and eating schedule for yourself. Because your Boston terrier will always know what to expect, he will be more relaxed.

This means your Boston terrier will never be bored or notice your absence because he will be active the majority of the time.

Create and stick to a daily plan that works for both you and your Boston terrier, and always give your Boston terrier responsibility.

If it’s time for a meal, for example, don’t miss it in favor of other activities; instead, keep practicing until your Boston terrier is acclimated to it.

Most sorts of worry may be avoided by having a schedule that works for both you and your Boston terrier.

10. Try investing in treats dispenser

This is an excellent approach to keep your Boston terrier occupied while you are away from home; they enjoy treats and food, so you can use that to keep them occupied.

Too many treats may also be a concern in Boston terriers since they can create unwanted health issues.

So, moderation is crucial; you can program the dispenser to drop rewards for your dog over a period of time that is convenient for you.

When you’re at home, start the reward dispenser training so that when you leave your dog and sit, the goodies will fall.

This will keep him occupied for a while, one treat at a time. You can experiment with different times to determine what works best for you and your dog.

Here is a recommended treats dispenser from Amazon.

Bonus tip

If you live in a busy area, provide a clear view of the outside world for your Boston terrier by setting up a clear window view.

This allows your Boston terrier to sit at the window and watch pass-by and see birds. However, you must socialize with your Boston terrier to avoid them barking at other dogs from the window.

When to see a vet over your Boston terrier separation anxiety

If you’ve tried more than 75% of the options we’ve offered here and your Boston terrier is still anxious or showing signs of separation anxiety, see your veterinarian.

Contact your veterinarian as soon as you notice any of the symptoms listed on this page.

If you are unable to consult a veterinarian, you may seek assistance from a local animal behaviorist or speak with another dog owner or trainer.

I hope your question about Boston terrier separation anxiety was answered to your understanding!!!

Read more: 8 Boston Terrier Behavior Problems & Solutions

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Samuel Ogbonna
Samuel Ogbonna

I'm Samuel Ogbonna, the founder of allpetspot.com. I grew up with lots of pets, with 15 years of experience living with pets. My love for pets made me start allpetspot.com, I'm here to share his experiences with pets.

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