Why Lost Cats Never Return Home Again: 9 Reasons

Why Lost Cats Never Return Home Again – They are many reasons why a lost cat will never return home again, and today we will be looking at some basic reasons why a lost cat will never come home again.

If you are looking for answers to why your cat never returned home again after usual roaming about then you are in the right place at the right time, so read down to find out why your lost cat never returned again.

Cats are one of the best pets you can keep in your home, and you should always try to find out reasons why lost cats never return home again, to help you avoid them.

Why Lost Cats Never Return Home Again

Lost cats never return home again because it was trapped somewhere, dead, adopted by cat nappers, picked up in the animal control team, or picked up by another cat lover who thinks the cat is lost.

A Lost cat that had any of the following issues has high chances of never coming home again.

If you are looking for answers to why your cat never returned, it is because your cat may have been a victim of one of the following scenarios which will make it difficult to find your cat when your cat goes missing:

1. Over Abused

No matter how you see cats, cats are known to be good hunters with powerful hunting instincts and will always believe they can make it on their own in the woods.

So if you are the type that takes your cat for granted, don’t rule out the possibilities of coming home one day to find out that your cat is long gone.

Over abuse is one of the major reasons why lost cats never return home again.

Overly abusing a cat include most of the following;

  • Staving your cat
  • Shouting at your cat unnecessarily
  • Beating your cat
  • Rubbing your cat face on poop or pee
  • Depriving your cat of good playtime
  • Not having clean water for your cat
  • Not telling or introducing your cat to a new family member or a new second animal etc.

2. Picked Up By The Animal Control Team

There is a high chance that your lost cat doesn’t return home again when picked by any animal control team unless you use any of the methods stated here.

Being picked up by the animal control team is a very good reason why lost cats never return home again.

Cats are among animals who will always think they can make it on their own in the wild, because of their powerful hunting instincts.

If you are the type that abuses your cat a lot, just bear in mind that your cat will one day on its own decision to run away.

And even when your cat is picked up by any animal control team, such cat will still be looking for a way to escape into the woods.

So if your cat ever got missing after checking with your neighbor the next thing is to check with any animal control team nearby.

3. Picked Up By Another Cat Lover Who Thinks Your Cat Is “Lost”

Picked Up By Another Cat Lover Who Thinks Your Cat Is "Lost" - Why Lost Cats Never Return Home Again
Picked Up By Another Cat Lover Who Thinks Your Cat Is “Lost” – Why Lost Cats Never Return Home Again

If your cat got lost and was picked up by another cat lover who is not a good citizen then say goodbye to your cat, because the chances of your cat coming back again is low.

However, if your lost cat was picked up by another cat lover who is nice, there is a good chance that your cat will return once the cat is traced back to you or when advertised in newspapers.

So if your cat ever gets lost don’t forget to use any of the methods mentioned in this article.

As it has been found to be very effective when trying to recover a lost cat.

Always remember that just the way you love your cat so much and always want your cat to be around they are also other cat lovers who already own one cat and want more, so if your cat ever got picked up by such people it’s a goodbye to your cat.

4. Rescued By Someone Who Thinks Your Cat Is Abandoned

If your cat ever gets picked up by someone who thinks your cat is abandoned or neglected, there is a slim chance of your cat ever coming home again.

When your cat is roaming or chasing after prey and lost its way home, many factors will come into play, the most noticeable is the behavior of the cat which will make people understand that the cat is missing.

The hiding behavior of your cat when missing will make someone think the cat has been abandoned or neglected and if someone ever picked your cat up, then its goodbye to your cat.

5. Cat Got Abducted For Gain By Professional (cat nappers)

This is one of the major reasons why lost cats never return home again because cat nappers have no intention of returning your cat back to you or even returning it to shelter homes.

If your cat ever got abducted as again by any cat napper, the chances of your cat coming back are very low.

Even if you have a GPS tracker these cat nappers are professionals and always have a way of dealing with the trackers.

6. Dead

Dead - Why Lost Cats Never Return Home Again
Dead – Why Lost Cats Never Return Home Again

This is the major reason why lost cats never return home again.

Whenever you think of why lost cats never return home again if the cat died will always flash in your memory.

A dead cat can never come home again, but an injured cat may come home by chance.

When chasing after dangerous prey your cat may get into a fight and get killed in the woods.

If your cat gets killed there are two chances of ever seeing the dead body of your cat, one is if you are using any GPS tracker to track the remains of your cat or that someone reported the death of a cat somewhere, if not you can’t even know what happened to your cat.

7. Cat Was Abducted By Others For Inhumane Purposes

If your cat ever gets abducted by people who use cats for ritual sacrifices or purposes, then it will be easier to forget about your cat than going to search for it because you will never find it again.

Cats roam about a lot and could spoil things when roaming, and the result may be that the owners of the spoiled items may track and kill your cat. This means your cat is not coming home again.

8. Cat Got Trapped And “Disposed Of” By A Cat-hating Neighbor

Do you know that as cute as cats are not everyone wants them around their homes, also cats oftentimes trespass and get into your neighbor’s house when you are not looking.

A neighbor who hates a cat can even go to the extent of poisoning your cat just to get it out of the way because they don’t like cats.

You may not see your cat again if your cat-hating neighbor ever kills it because chances are that once the cat is death they will throw it away where you might not see it again.

9. Cat Got Involved In An Accidental “Abduction”.

Cat Got Involved In An Accidental "Abduction" - Why Lost Cats Never Return Home Again
Cat Got Involved In An Accidental “Abduction” – Why Lost Cats Never Return Home Again

If your cat got involved in an accidental “Abduction” (Cat hides in a vehicle and was driven out of your area), there are high chances you are not going to see your cat again.

Don’t rule out the fact that your cat may jump off the car whenever the car stops, and may not come back since it’s a new environment. This is a good reason why lost cats never return home again.

Even with your GPS cat tracker, it may not be easy to track such a cat, there have been many cases when cats disappear because they were accidentally carried away and never returned to their owner.

There is also most cases where cats returned to their owners after they were carried away, but this was because such cat was trapped and adverts were made and their owners come to claim them.

Therefore, if you see a cat around that is new to your neighborhood track the owner, and if no one claims it please call the animal control team, because the owner of such a cat will be looking for it.


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Samuel Ogbonna
Samuel Ogbonna

I'm Samuel Ogbonna, the founder of allpetspot.com. I grew up with lots of pets, with 15 years of experience living with pets. My love for pets made me start allpetspot.com, I'm here to share his experiences with pets.

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