Why Are Cats Attracted To My house: 7 Reasons

Why are cats attracted to my house – people ask this question a lot and if you’re here for the same question then you are in the right place.

Because today we will be looking at the basic reasons why cats are attracted to you or your home that you may or not know.

Cats roam around a lot especially when their owners are not around or if their owners are not taking good care of them.

They move from one place to another in search of food, comfort, peace, mate, and so on, once they find a good spot then they make such a place their second home.

Why are cats attracted to me

Cats are attracted to you because you offer these cats more food, comfort, peace of mind, safety, and a better cat environment than their owners or more than their primary home.

Cats may even be attracted to you or your home because your home is on a cat hunting track.

Here are a few reasons why cats are attracted to you or your home, which will make them come back for more.

Your kids may be cat lovers - Why Are Cats Attracted To My house?
Your kids may be cat lovers – Why Are Cats Attracted To My house?

1. Your house always have food

Cats may make your home a second restaurant if you always have food lying around your home.

Not only cats even dogs will always visit you if you always have leftover food in your waste bin expect to always see animals around your home.

Cats that are not properly trained will never be comfortable or satisfied with what their owners feed them, especially if they are outdoor cats roaming around when you are away.

In search of more food cats will travel to different locations in their neighborhood.

An if these cats ever find food in your compound, then your compound will become a 5-star hotel for extra comfort away from home.

Some untrained cats can even go as far as getting a nice accommodation close to your home as regular customers.

In summary, if you always have food lying around in your home then expect to see cats and other animals coming to feed in your home.

2. Your kids are playing & feeding the cat

Your kids might be feeding these cats in your absence - Why Are Cats Attracted To My house?
Your kids might be feeding these cats in your absence – Why Are Cats Attracted To My house?

When trying to answer the question of why are cats attracted to my house, never you rule out the possibilities that either of your kids might be feeding them in your absence, or that your kind is always playing with them and maybe your kid is hiding it from you.

Cats love to play with kids a lot and if you have kids, and you are wondering why cats are always around your home, then trying to ask your kids they might give you an answer.

Cats may see your backyard or basement as a recreational center because you have kids that give them food or that make out time to cuddle them or even play hide-and-seek with them, which is something their primary owners don’t offer them at all.

In summary, when start seeing cats around your house, be sure to ask your kids if they have any idea of what is going on.

Then if they don’t, you can consider other options.

Recommended: 10 Best Things to do to Find a Lost cat

3. Cats see your house as their last option for food

Do you know that every free-roaming cat on the street always has the last standpoint aside from their primary home, what if your compound is the last option for cats?

Cats are smart animals and if you own an outdoor cat then be sure your cat will always have a second or last option for food, comfort, safety, or to take a nap.

An indoor cat cannot always be around you because they are not allowed to roam around.

So there is a high chance that the cats around your house are free-roaming cats that will always seek a steady food source and if your home offer a steady food source then expect to see cats around.

4. You always feed them when they come around

This is a primary reason why cats come around your home and this is self-explanatory, so we won’t talk much about it.

Every animal not only a cat will always love to be around where they are been properly fed.

Some cat owners are lazy and won’t make out a time to attend to the need of their cats, this will force the cat to look elsewhere and if this elsewhere is your house then you will see cats around often.

You started feeding these cats so as time goes on more cats will come around for food.

Let’s say you moved from that location to a new place and someone moved in new, the person will still be looking for the answer to why are cats attracted to my house.

5. The location of your house

The location of your house - Why Are Cats Attracted To My house?
The location of your house – Why Are Cats Attracted To My house?

If you are actually looking at the question of why are cats attracted to my house or why are cats attracted to me, then you should not overlook the location of your house.

For a cat to even step out to come around you, that means is a free-roaming cat or an outdoor cat.

Every outdoor cat is involved in hunting once in a while, what if your house is located along cat hunting tracks.

Every animal has a hunting track or route, therefore take a very good look at your house and see if it is located beside the woods, which is a good hunting track for cats.

What if your house is a meeting or gossip spot for cats because you are not always around then expect to always see cats around your house from time to time.

In summary, if your house is in the way of a cat hunting track, expect to see cats around your home once in a while.

This is because, after every successful or failed hunt, cats will need a place to rest, which your house is an easy option.

6. Cats find peace of mind in your house

Have you considered that cats may be running to your backyard or basement to take a nap because they find comfort in your home?

Cats are animals that love a cool and quiet environment, and if your compound or home is always calm and cat friendly then always expect to see cats around your home.

Cats sleep a lot during the day and we humans also work during the day, so this makes it easy for cats to find a good spot in our home while we are away working

Over time cats will make this cool spot their second home which will make them always coming around.

In summary, if you are not always around then be shocked to come back one day to meet a festival of cats in your compound.

See this post: Why Lost Cats Never Return Home Again – 9 Possible Scenarios

7. Safety And Past Events

Safety And Past Events - Why Are Cats Attracted To My house
Safety And Past Events – Why Are Cats Attracted To My house

Cats may always be coming around you or your home because they feel safe with you sometimes more than their owner, may because of the way their owner handles them.

Let’s say the owner of a cat is abusing such a cat and when that cat runs to you for the first time you welcome them and make them feel safe, do you think the cat will forget you easily?

Assuming you are packed into a new area and the person living there before you are a cat lover or many cats stop to say hi, then don’t be shocked to see cats always coming around thinking their old friend will come back someday.

What’s if the person who lived in your new apartment was into training cats, and when he is gone do you think cats won’t be coming around?


We hope you have seen the reasons why cats are attracted to you.

Some whenever you see a cat around you always show them some love.

Then if it’s a problem coming from their owners try to talk to their owners, for possibles corrections.

Just bear in mind that a cat can not always be coming to your home for nothing.

A cat may always be coming around your home because each time the cat comes around, the cat will go home happy with a rat or some treats.

Cats may find your house to be a better environment than their primary home and this will make them always coming around you from time to time.

Cats may be attracted to your house because your home is a better play ground than their first home.

Have you seen this: Why Do Cats Find New Homes – 5 Ultimate Reasons & Solutions


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Samuel Ogbonna
Samuel Ogbonna

I'm Samuel Ogbonna, the founder of allpetspot.com. I grew up with lots of pets, with 15 years of experience living with pets. My love for pets made me start allpetspot.com, I'm here to share his experiences with pets.

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