9 Signs Of Rat Terrier Separation Anxiety With Tips

Rat terrier separation anxiety is an issue most owners face and this happens when rat terriers are left alone.

After reading this post, you should be able to figure out how to prevent separation anxiety in rat terriers.

You should also learn the common signs and causes of separation anxiety in rat terriers from this post so keep reading.

Rat Terrier Separation Anxiety

Rat terrier separation anxiety is a mental state of mind where the rat terrier becomes scared of being left alone at home over a given range of time.

Rat terrier separation anxiety can cause a lot of behavior problems in rat terriers such as increased aggression, whining unnecessary barking, etc.

This rat terrier separation anxiety can occur immediately after you try to leave your rat terrier at home, you can sign some physical signs in your rat terrier’s actions.

So let’s look at some of the most common signs of rat terrier separation anxiety you should know.

Signs of rat terrier separation anxiety

Some of the most typical signs of separation anxiety in rat terriers are the ones listed below:

1. Frequent house accidents when you are gone

If your potty-trained rat terrier still has an accident every time you leave the house then it is a sign of possible separation anxiety. 

This is a clear sign that separation anxiety in your rat terrier is making them uneasy while you’re gone.

Always keep an eye out for this since your puppy or adult rat terrier may start eating their own waste out of anxiety.

Although this symptom is unpleasant, you may take precautions to prevent it or just deal with the underlying issue, which may be a concern.

2. Regularly trying to escape on your departure

When under stress, your rat terrier may make every effort to leave the house and find you this sort of stress is caused by separation anxiety. 

To force themselves to escape due to separation anxiety they would beat their head and teeth against the crate bars causing a significant injury.

When you leave the house, pay attention to your rat terrier’s attempts to escape if he tries to escape then he is scared of being alone.

That is a dangerous problem since it shows that your rat terrier has separation anxiety as a result of his fear of being left alone.

3. Increased barking behavior on your departure

Excessive barking can cause rat terriers to experience loneliness, despair, irritation, stress, and other symptoms of separation anxiety.

Although it might appear minutes after the owner leaves, separation anxiety in rat terriers usually develops over time.

Your rat terrier may bark excessively when you go to work or another location because he is afraid of being left alone.

Rat terriers only chatter when they are with their owners or when a stranger is around, despite the fact that they do so in both situations.

So pay notice if your rat terrier starts barking excessively or more frequently than usual.

Read more: 9 Tips On How To Discipline A Rat Terrier.

4. Increased growling and howling

Your rat terrier utilizes growling as a form of communication because it can’t express its emotions verbally, such as if it’s angry or uncomfortable.

Over time, growling is a typical method for your rat terrier to show how upset he or she is.

It might mean that a person is being intrusive, is experiencing separation anxiety, is afraid, or is angered by something.

Even while it’s not always antagonistic, it’s usually an indication that your dog is nervous.

For instance, if your rat terrier is snarling at the meal, give them some room, so they may eat quietly.

However, if your rat terrier is howling because you’re leaving, you shouldn’t ignore them. One of the rat terrier separation anxiety symptoms is this.

5. Increased chewing behavior when left alone

The most frequent causes of destructive chewing in rat terriers are depression, frustration, anxiety, tension, and loneliness, all of which can be triggered by separation anxiety.

If your rat terrier is gobbling up everything he sees, something is amiss. It might indicate rat terrier separation anxiety.

People will suggest spraying or hiding your valuables and electrical wires in places where you don’t want your rat terrier to gnaw.

However, the truth is that you aren’t considering your rat terrier’s needs.

If you’d like to prevent your rat terrier from chewing on your valuables, you may buy him chewable.

6. Increased digging when left alone at home

One of the most frequent reasons for your rat terrier’s excessive digging in your yard is separation anxiety.

They dig because they are bored or by themselves and have nothing better to do.

As a consequence, you must take action if you get home one day and discover your rat terrier digging excessively in your garden.

That is a blatant sign that your rat terrier is bored, and if you ignore it, it will only get worse.

7. Increased whining on your departure

If your rat terrier is agitated, anxious, or experiencing separation anxiety, he may whimper at any time.

Pacing usually follows the whining if the stressor is something like loud noises that your dog can’t escape from.

If your rat terrier isn’t howling because he has to go outdoors or is uncomfortable, it’s most likely stress.

Dogs who are anxious about being left alone sometimes lose control of their natural whining when they become distressed.

However, it is an indication that your rat terrier is bothered by anything in his environment. Whining is one way that anxiety may show up.

8. Increased scratching of doors or walls

Stress and grief brought on by separation anxiety in rat terriers can lead to scratching at walls and doors.

If your rat terrier suffers from separation anxiety, you’ll see him scratching the exit door as you head out for work.

Additionally, you could find that your rat terrier is scratching your walls, which is a clear sign of anxiety brought on by being by yourself.

Never disregard the separation anxiety in your rat terrier. When you go home and see scratches on your walls or doors, you’ve probably been frustrated.

9. Increased freezing behavior on your arrival

Your rat terrier freezes or becomes rigid when you get home from work or leave because he is afraid of being left alone.

Freezing your rat terrier constantly may be dangerous for both you and the dog since it can cause behavioral problems like biting.

Your rat terrier will be anxious and unable to handle the situation, which might result in a bite if he continues to freeze as you move away.

When their owners leave or return, rat terriers with separation anxiety have been known to unnecessarily freeze, which is an obvious sign of the condition.

How to prevent rat terrier separation anxiety

I have one piece of advice for you if your rat terrier already exhibits separation anxiety: consult your veterinarian right away depending on how serious it is.

Some of the most popular ways to prevent rat terrier separation anxiety include the following:

1. Begin a crate training program

Puppy training techniques like crate training are crucial and may help with a variety of issues, including separation anxiety.

Your rat terrier may benefit from having a secure, tranquil area to relax in his crate while you’re away for an extended period of time.

The idea is to get the dog to start like his kennel by encouraging him to link it with enjoyable things like chew toys and puzzle toys that release food.

Keep an eye on your puppy’s behavior to observe whether his anxiety symptoms improve or get worse. Some dogs feel safer and more at ease in their cage when left alone.

2. Create a stress-free and calming spot

Make your dog’s surroundings as relaxing as you can to reduce any unneeded stress that can cause separation anxiety.

You have to take the same bed, blanket, or mat with you whenever you go to a possibly stressful place. Never call your rat terrier out when his resting in his calming spot. 

Reward calming behaviors on the mat frequently, even when stress levels are low, to help your dog learn to link it with calm.

They have a safe place to go when they leave the house, see the veterinarian, or are faced with anxiety triggers.

3. Desensitize your rat terrier with shorter absences

Another option is to start with brief absences if you must leave your rat terrier alone at home all day.

Take your keys and ignore your rat terrier for 5 to 10 seconds as you leave the house.

Watch your rat terrier when you’re gone through the little opening.

Return home through the front door and behave normally so that your rat terrier doesn’t get into any problems.

Do not enter the house until your rat terrier has calmed down if they start to growl and howl.

4. Invest in a treats dispenser

Here is my recommended treats dispenser.

This is a great technique to keep your rat terrier busy while you are gone; because they like rewards and food, you can use that to keep them interested.

Rat terriers may potentially have undesired health complications if they receive too many treats.

Therefore, moderation is essential. You may set the dispenser to release incentives to your dog gradually at a time that suits you.

Start the reward dispenser training when you are at home so that the treats will fall when you leave your dog and sit.

One treat at a time will keep him interested for a while. To find the optimal time for you and your dog, try several times.

5. Maintain a working daily routine

Make a timetable for your gaming, walking, eating, and playing. Your rat terrier will be more at ease since he will always know what to anticipate.

Because he will be active most of the time, your rat terrier won’t get bored or notice when you’re not around.

Establish a daily schedule you both can follow, giving your rat terrier responsibility wherever possible.

Don’t skip meals, for instance, in favor of other activities; instead, continue training your rat terrier until it becomes accustomed to it.

By creating a plan that works for both you and your rat terrier, the majority of worries may be avoided.

6. Hire a pet sitter or register dog daycare

To prevent separation anxiety in your rat terrier, it is a good idea to hire a pet sitter if you plan to be gone for the bulk of the day.

A pet sitter for your rat terrier will cost between $20 and $30, depending on your state and any contracts.

Therefore, until you return, the pet sitter will often visit to see how your rat terrier is doing while you are gone.

Your rat terrier can also be signed up for a dog daycare, where you can pick him up on the way home.

7. Bring in a second pet

Rat terriers are prone to separation anxiety since they were specifically developed to be a human buddy and thrive solely on human connection.

Having a second companion pet as soon as possible is one of the finest, if not the best, ways to lessen separation anxiety in rat terriers if you are not always around.

Your rat terrier will be less prone to separation anxiety if you have a second companion animal.

In order to prevent separation anxiety in your rat terrier, you should get a second companion animal.

8. Talk to your pup via remote camera

Purchasing one of the remote cameras available on Amazon is an additional option.

While you’re at work, you can see and communicate with your dog. You could feel a great deal of comfort from this.

These dog cameras have great reviews on Amazon and might be a wise choice if you plan to leave your dog home alone for an extended amount of time.

When to see a vet over your rat terrier separation anxiety

Consult your veterinarian if your rat terrier is still uneasy or displaying signs of separation anxiety after you’ve tried the solutions we’ve provided here.

As soon as you experience any of the symptoms indicated on this page and you are unable to treat them, call your veterinarian.

If you are unable to visit a veterinarian, you can consider talking to another dog owner or trainer in your area or contacting a local animal behaviorist for advice.

It is very important to teach your dog how to be alone at home.

Rat terrier separation anxiety triggers

The following are some typical reasons why rat terriers experience separation anxiety:

  1. Incorrect crate training or confinement training for rat terriers.
  2. Relocating your rat terrier’s surroundings frequently.
  3. Long-term absence of the dog’s devoted owner.
  4. A serious hearing impairment or poor vision in a rat terrier.
  5. Your rat terrier mealtimes are frequently altered.
  6. A prolonged period of unsupervised alone time with your rat terrier.
  7. Your rat terrier may have experienced trauma in the past
  8. Lack of things to keep your rat terrier mentally active.
  9. The death of a beloved owner.
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Samuel Ogbonna
Samuel Ogbonna

I'm Samuel Ogbonna, the founder of allpetspot.com. I grew up with lots of pets, with 15 years of experience living with pets. My love for pets made me start allpetspot.com, I'm here to share his experiences with pets.

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