Do Boston Terriers Shed: 9 Shedding Causes & Controls

Boston terriers lovers always ask do Boston terriers shed because no one wants to have dog hairs cover his or her house.

In this post, we will outline and discuss some of the reasons why Boston terriers may shed excessively and ways you can control excessive shedding in Boston terriers.

Every dog with hair does shed to some extent, but some shed more than others, so let me quickly answer your question do Boston terriers shed before we continue!

Do Boston terriers shed

Yes, Boston terriers do shed losing their undercoat to avoid overheating, especially in the summer; nevertheless, they have short, thin, silky hair that is extremely easy to clean and maintain; they do require weekly brushing to avoid excessive shedding.

If you believe or say that Boston terriers do not shed, you should do further research and ask other Boston terrier owners.

Obtain a long comb with a lake-like tooth and brush your Boston terrier first thing in the morning if you truly want to know if Boston terriers shed.

Causes of Shedding in Boston terriers

Some of the most common causes why Boston terriers shed more than normal are as follows:

1. Unbalanced hormone levels

Hypothyroidism is the most prevalent hormonal imbalance in Boston terriers, and hypothyroidism causes a lot of shedding.

Hypothyroidism is most commonly induced by immune-mediated loss of thyroid tissue in Boston terriers from the age of three years, although it can also be caused by spontaneous constriction or atrophy of the gland.

The thyroid is a paired gland that resides on either side of the windpipe or airway. The hormones released there have an impact on the rate of metabolism in all of the body’s systems.

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which too little hormone is produced, resulting in a variety of symptoms and organ damage.

The most noticeable alteration appears to be in your Boston terrier’s hair, which becomes dry, brittle, and thin as a result of hair loss or alopecia.

2. Infections and parasite infestations

One of the most common reasons for hair loss in Boston terriers is bacteria pathogens, fungal infections, and parasites.

These health issues frequently create a great deal of discomfort and contribute to hormonal imbalances, which would in effect cause hair loss.

Bacterial illnesses like salmonella can be contracted by eating raw foods like raw chicken that are not properly processed or stored.

Fungal infection might potentially cause the condition. If your Boston terriers come into touch with mold or other forms of mold, this can happen.

Mold may develop on even your snacks and dry food that give to your pup, so always store them safely after use.

Keep in mind that Boston terriers are extremely curious and will investigate whatever they discover in the corners of your home.

As a result, make sure your house and the locations your Boston terrier frequents are free of mildew and dampness.

When a Boston terrier inhales spores on the ground, on birds, and other objects during a stroll, excessive shedding can develop.

3. Contact with allergies

Because Boston Terriers are frequently allergic to specific foods or drugs, they shed a great deal.

Keep in mind that most Boston terriers have sensitive stomachs and can be finicky eaters.

If you’re not sure why your dog is shedding so much, the first thing you should do is switch to a new, vet-approved diet.

You may also check if your Boston terrier is having an allergic response if you have just begun providing your Boston terrier medicine or medical treatment.

If your Boston terrier is shedding excessively, you can try switching shampoo brands, checking what you gave him yesterday, and going to the clinic.

Shedding is a clear sign your Boston terrier is allergic to whatever you gave them that led to the excessive shedding, therefore, you need to keep them away from such.

4. Time of the year or seasonality

Because the rate or severity of shedding is determined by the season, the season is the primary cause of shedding in Boston terriers.

In comparison to the winter, there will be a lot more Boston terrier droppings in the spring.

As a result, it is acceptable to conclude that the shedding rate of the Boston terrier is affected by the season.

Summer and winter are the most common times for Boston terriers to shed, which is why we say they shed a lot during these seasons. 

They shed their undercoat in the summer to avoid the heat, then lose their summer undercoat to develop thicker coats for the winter.

Because Boston Terriers shed less in moderate temperatures, you must keep your Boston terriers’ temperature low throughout the summer months.

If you don’t take care of them throughout the hot season, you’ll be amazed at how much they shed.

5. Excessive stress or anxiety

Because too much stress or worry can cause hair loss in dogs, including the Boston terrier, the Boston terrier may shed a lot.

When the Boston terrier is stressed, hormonal changes occur often, resulting in excessive or infrequent discharges.

For the same reason, you’ll notice that your dog starts flinging hair more frequently when things get extremely fascinating.

When you return home from a trip, for example, you realize that there are hairs all over the place.

As a result, worry, despair, and other negative emotions are always linked to stress-related dog hair loss.

6. Bites from pests or insects

Because fleas, mites, and lice are parasites that may attack Boston terriers, they shed a lot. A single bite from one of these bugs can cause a lot of issues and shedding is one of them.

Even if the amount of shedding is minor, Boston terriers are not usually happy with insect bites, and this bite might result in shedding.

If your Boston terrier becomes infected with a parasite, the shedding will continue until the parasite is gone.

As a result, the dog will get itchy and scratch itself, maybe resulting in bald areas.

Flea bites can cause a variety of health problems, one of which is excessive or infrequent shedding.

Because flea bites cause severe allergic reactions in Boston terriers, keep your dog away from fleas.

7. Continues increase in body temperature

Because Boston terriers are prone to heat exhaustion, any increase in their body temperature will result in unnecessary shedding.

Boston terriers may be starting to shed a lot, especially if they live in a hot climate, as opposed to those that live in a temperate climate.

When the temperature of a Boston terrier rises, it usually results in shedding, which is usually minor.

As a result, you should not over-exert your Boston terriers; a daily stroll of 10 minutes is sufficient. You’ll find hairs all over your house if you over-exercise them.

Always keep an eye on their temperature and prevent any activities that might cause it to increase.

8. Continues intake of unbalanced Diet

Because the Boston terriers reacts to dietary imbalances in the same way that people do, the Boston terrier may sheds a lot due to poor diet.

Most times air loss is one of the symptoms of a nutritional imbalance in Boston terriers.

If you see any odd spills in the winter or spring, make an appointment with your veterinarian.

We are what we consume, and the same is true for Boston terriers. The Boston terriers will be healthier if they eat a healthy diet.

A well-balanced diet supplies the minerals and vitamins required to keep hair follicles healthy and free of breakage and excessive discharges.

Omega-3 fatty acids are known to promote healthy hair development, so include them in your Boston terrier’s diet is always a good idea.

A liquid diet is particularly vital in the life of a Boston terrier since dry skin can cause needless hair loss, it is recommended you give your Boston terrier both wet and dry food. 

Talk to your vet for the right type of food and always provide drinking water for your Boston terrier.

9. Side effects of medication or illness

If you give your Boston terrier medications and it immediately begins shedding, the medication’s adverse effects might be contributing to the excessive shedding.

Certain drugs, on the other hand, may cause your Boston terriers to scratch and shed excessively as a consequence of irritation or scaling.

Some conditions might cause your Boston terrier to overgroom, leading to baldness.

Consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. If your dog is shedding excessively, you should have him checked out to rule out any health issues.

Consult your veterinarian to discover if any of your Boston terrier’s medications are contributing to her excessive shedding.

The following are some of the most prevalent Boston terrier health issues that are linked to hair loss:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Cancer
  • Adrenal issues
  • Kidney disease
  • Skin diseases

How to control shedding in Boston terriers

Here are some of the most common ways to prevent and control shedding in Boston terriers:

1. Eliminating allergies

One of the most important things you can do to keep your Boston terriers from shedding excessively is to eliminate allergies.

Pollen, mold spores, dust mites, and dead skin cells, to mention a few allergens, can cause Boston terrier allergies.

Keep an eye out for rashes or hair loss on your dog’s skin or hair that might indicate a food allergy.

Be sure to keep away all things or food that your Boston terrier is allergic to.

2. Regular brushing

The most efficient technique to deal with Boston terriers hair loss is to use a brush to brush them or weekly basis.

It not only promotes blood flow to the skin’s surface, but it also helps to disperse natural fats.

It also means that loose bristles on the brush won’t end up on the floor or on the sofa.

Treats are always offered before and after brushing since Boston terriers adore them.

However, you should brush your Boston terrier for at least 8 to 13 minutes on average every 3 to 4 days.

If you are always busy try to brush your Boston terrier at least twice every 13 days, depending on your schedule, but if you’re short on time, brush once a week.

Weekly brushing should be regarded as a control method when considering why Boston terriers may shed so much and how to control shedding. 

3. Always keep your Boston terrier hydrated

To avoid dry skin and to assist reduce your Boston terrier’s body temperature, make sure your Boston terrier has access to clean drinking water at all times.

This is critical because dogs with insufficient water intake have dry skin and hair, which contributes to excessive shedding.

The chance of hazardous bacteria being swallowed is reduced if your dog’s water dish is kept clean and full.

Make sure your dog is only drinking clean water by keeping an eye on their water dishes.

Dehydration can cause not only health problems, but also shedding.

As a result, make sure your dog has constant access to fresh water.

4. Give your Boston terrier high-quality dog food.

Keep an eye on your Boston terrier’s food consumption. A well-balanced diet supports good skin and reduces shedding in all dogs.

The food that a Boston terrier consumes should be healthy and well-balanced. The quality of your dog’s coat is affected by how well you feed it.

Feed your Boston terrier a well-balanced diet to keep even the smallest amount of hair shedding on the inside to a minimum.

Your Boston terrier’s hair and skin will be as smooth and healthy as possible if she eats dog food high in Omega-3 fatty acids, oils, and minerals.

Before making any modifications to your Boston terrier’s diet, consult with your veterinarian.

5. Control pest attacks

Fleas, ticks, and other parasites can irritate your Boston terriers and reduce the quality of their coat.

Flea bites in Boston terriers can cause severe hair loss as well as itchy, irritated skin if not treated regularly and efficiently.

Make an appointment with your veterinarian to discuss tick and flea prevention.

6. Constantly changing your dog’s food is a bad idea

It is not a good idea to change your dog’s food on a regular basis.

Switching meals from one meal to the next should be avoided because it may result in uncomfortable shedding.

Boston terriers may be sensitive to new foods and vomit as a result, so choose one that works for you and stick to it.

If your Boston terrier’s food has to be changed, you, your veterinarian, and your Boston terrier should all agree.

Even if your doctor has cleared you to make nutritional adjustments for your Boston terrier, pay close attention to how he reacts.

Appetite loss, fever, increased water intake, persistent coughing, and unwillingness to eat are all things to keep in mind while changing your diet.

7. Add supplements to your dog food

Natural fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-3 fatty acids, are commonly found in dietary supplements and are particularly useful to Boston terriers, helping to maintain their skin and hair in good condition.

If your Boston terrier suffers from skin problems, he or she will scratch and itch excessively, causing additional hair to fall out of the follicles.

To assist prevent shedding and irritation, give your Boston terriers a decent vitamin and Omega-3 supplement.

Supplements containing these components are quite useful for hair removal, in addition to being high in nutritional value.

Aside from its benefits for the skin and coat, fish oil also helps to maintain healthy joints and bones.

Always talk to your vet before adding any supplement.

8. Avoid giving your Boston terrier table scraps or stale food

Stale dog food or table scraps are an insufficient Boston terrier diet that can create digestive instability in any Boston terrier, eventually leading to unwanted hair loss.

Did you realize that picking up rubbish from the ground might trap dangerous microorganisms in your Boston terrier?

It is not acceptable to let your Boston terrier to pick up food from the ground.

Always store your Boston terrier’s food in a clean container. When dining, avoid dropping food off the table.

9. Try medical check-ups on a regular basis

This is a crucial step in determining how to prevent Boston terriers from shedding because shedding may be caused by a variety of health issues.

Always consult your veterinarian about your Boston terrier and get it examined on a regular basis.

10. Reduce stress

To help decrease shedding, manage your Boston terrier’s stress level. Excessive stress might make your dog shed more than usual.

Many environmental changes, such as relocation, the death of a fellow pet, or the arrival of a new pet, might create additional stress in your dog.

Give your dog plenty of exercise, love, affection, and attention to help her cope with stress and shed.

11. Bathe your Boston terrier once in a while

Bathe your Boston terrier at least once a month to keep shedding to a minimum.

Rinse her skin and coat with mild dog shampoo and conditioner, and then massage a moist cloth over her body to remove any unwanted hair.

Always talk to your vet to approve the dog shampoo before using it.

I hope your question do Boston terriers shed was answered!

Read more: Do Boston Terriers Bite: 10 Bite Triggers & Controls.

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Samuel Ogbonna
Samuel Ogbonna

I'm Samuel Ogbonna, the founder of I grew up with lots of pets, with 15 years of experience living with pets. My love for pets made me start, I'm here to share his experiences with pets.

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