10 Common Chihuahua Behavior Problems & Helpful Tips

Chihuahuas are loved by everyone but still have behavior issues, therefore, we will outline and discuss Chihuahua behavior problems.

We will outline and discuss some Chihuahua behavior problems you should know before getting one.

We will also discuss some common ways to resolve some of these behavior problems that can be found with Chihuahuas.

Before we proceed, let me quickly give you a summary of Chihuahua behavior problems, then we discuss them.

Chihuahua Behavior Problems

Chihuahuas are a popular and adorable little dog breed, but they have a few behavioral concerns, such as begging, housetraining challenges, separation anxiety, excessive barking, destructive chewing, biting, and nipping.

You should be aware of the following typical Chihuahua behavior problems:

1. Constantly Begging for food

This is one of the most common Chihuahua behavior problems you should know before getting a Chihuahua.

These little pups beg a lot, especially for food, so keep that in mind.

As the owner, Chihuahuas have tempting faces that are difficult to ignore, provoking pleas.

Begging is terrible behavior, but many dog owners, regrettably, encourage it by feeding their pets while they eat.

Side effects of falling for your Chihuahua begging include weight gain, stomach issues, and even recurrent diarrhea.

The most fundamental method for avoiding this irritating behavior is to never endorse it in the first place.

How to stop Chihuahuas from begging

Here are some common ways you can stop Chihuahuas from begging:

  • Don’t look at your Chihuahua when he’s begging.
  • Don’t talk to your Chihuahua when he’s begging.
  • When begging, if your Chihuahua tries to pounce on you, twist and turn away.
  • Feed your Chihuahua and eat your food at the same time.
  • Teach your chihuahua to do anything other than sit at the table and beg for food.
  • Put your Chihuahua in his room while you eat.
  • Place the bowl near the table when it’s time to eat, so your Chihuahua thinks he’s dining with you.
  • Use positive reinforcement to teach your Chihuahua that begging is associated with bad behaviors. 

2. Destructive chewing When Bored

The most prevalent causes of destructive chewing in Chihuahuas are boredom, melancholy, annoyance, anxiety, tension, and loneliness, all of which can be triggered by separation anxiety.

If your Chihuahua is devouring everything he sees, something is wrong. It’s possible that it’s a symptom of separation anxiety.

Spray locations where you don’t want your Chihuahua to chew or conceal your valuables and electronic wires, according to some.

However, you are completely unaware of your Chihuahua’s requirements.

Why not identify out what’s causing the damaging nibbling and address it once and for all, rather than spraying or disguising it?

How to control destructive chewing in Chihuahuas

  • Never let your Chihuahua get bored or lonely.
  • At all times, keep your chihuahua engaged by your side.
  • Get your Chihuahua a range of chewing and interactive toys.
  • Spray your furniture if you can’t stop chewing.
  • There is a need for more mental stimulation.
  • Ensure that your Chihuahua receives adequate exercise.
  • It’s a smart idea to dog-proof your home.
  • Buy your chihuahua something to chew on if you want him to stay away from your valuables.

Read more: Can Chihuahuas Be Left Alone (11 Helpful Tips)

3. Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety in Chihuahuas develops when the dogs are separated from their owners for a lengthy period of time or when they are not left alone unsupervised for an extended amount of time.

Separation anxiety in Chihuahuas can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including biting, nipping, barking, self-isolation, injuries, and chewing.

Separation anxiety is caused by leaving a Chihuahua at home alone, which may be avoided by giving a buddy.

How to prevent or fix separation anxiety in Chihuahuas

Here are some common ways to control or fix separation anxiety in Chihuahuas:

  • Make an investment in anti-anxiety products.
  • You should bring in a second pet as soon as feasible.
  • To keep the puppy engaged, make sure there are plenty of new soft and entertaining toys.
  • Allow ample time for rest and relaxation, as well as physical activity.
  • Start your dog on a fresh, suitable crate training program.
  • Make an appointment for your pet to see a behaviorist.
  • Think about hiring a dog sitter.
  • Teach them to leave you alone at home and to stay away from you at all times.

Read more: Chihuahua Separation Anxiety (8 Signs, Causes & Preventions).

4. House Training Difficulties

House-training is the process of teaching a dog to defecate outside or in a specified inside area rather than following its basic tendency of defecating at random around the house.

 Chihuahuas are notoriously difficult to housebreak. Expect to train in a container for two to three months.

Even after you’ve completed your potty training, Chihuahuas might make blunders.

This is perhaps one of the most common Chihuahua behavior problems.

How to house train Chihuahuas

Here are some common tips to house training a Chihuahua:

  • Avoid overfeeding your Chihuahua during housetraining.
  • When you’re not around, don’t keep your chihuahua on a leash during the house-training procedure.
  • Provide your Chihuahua with a variety of places to discharge himself during the house-training process.
  • Take your Chihuahua to the bathroom on a frequent basis before bedtime throughout the housetraining process.
  • Potty training should begin on the day your Chihuahua arrives at your home.
  • If your Chihuahua commits a mistake, do not scream or strike him.
  • Make no substantial modifications to your Chihuahua’s daily routine during the house-training process.
  • Feed your Chihuahua at the same time and in the same manner throughout the housetraining procedure.
  • During and after the housetraining process, make the toilet as accessible as possible.

5. Chihuahuas Pee More Frequently

This is something that most small-breed dog owners deal with on a regular basis, which might be linked to the size of their bladder.

Chihuahuas urinate frequently, even with adequate housetraining, which can be an issue for most Chihuahua owners.

Suggestions to frequent peeing

Make sure your Chihuahua has easy access to the pee location, and you can manage the amount of water in his water dish.

If your Chihuahua can’t get to the pee place as often as he wants, you can buy dog pee pads.

6. Intense digging in the backyard or bed

Chihuahuas dig for a variety of reasons, including separation anxiety, play aggression, a lot of energy, loneliness, wanting to get away, and finding a nice place to relax.

You must determine why your Chihuahua is digging and take immediate action.

Always keep your chihuahua occupied and never leave him outside for long periods of time.

For a variety of reasons, dogs have an intrinsic need to dig, none of which entail cruelty.

If your puppy falls in love with the flower or plant beds in your yard and begins digging into them while you’re out strolling, don’t get furious at him or yell at him.

Simply remove your dog from such locations multiple times until he knows that his conduct is unacceptable.

How to stop Chihuahuas from digging

Here are some common ways to stop Chihuahuas from digging:

  • Always try to connect digging to a negative behavior.
  • Make a list of mental-stimulating tasks to do.
  • Distract the Chihuahua from its digging behavior.
  • Make the regions where you’ll be digging unpleasant.
  • Getting rid of rodents is a good idea.
  • Make a daily routine.
  • There should be more chewing toys available.
  • Allow for constant entertainment for your Chihuahua.
  • Desensitization is a good idea.
  • Try Counter-Conditioning. 
  • Try to keep your chihuahua busy and occupied.

Read more: Why Do Chihuahuas Dig (12 Reasons & Solutions).

7. Play Aggression

This is one of the most well-known and well-known sorts of Chihuahua behavior problems.

Growling, snarling, flashing teeth, lunging, and biting are some of the ways Chihuahuas show their play aggressiveness.

It’s quite frequent among Chihuahuas since their owners always tolerate or promote it because it’s the correct thing to do.

Chihuahua’s play aggressiveness develops over time and, if left unaddressed, may lead to serious problems with both your children and your dog.

How to control play aggression in Chihuahuas

Here are some tips on how to control play aggression in Chihuahuas:

  • Begin by softly playing with your Chihuahua.
  • Learn and teach how to control over excitement in your Chihuahua.
  • Your Chihuahua’s socializing should begin at a young age.
  • Make plans to play with other puppies and well-behaved adult dogs who can teach your puppy good manners.
  • Your Chihuahua’s hormone-driven aggression can be lessened by neutering or spaying him.
  • When your Chihuahua engages in friendly play, praise him or her.
  • Include a toy in the equation, and once a line is crossed, divert your Chihuahua to stop him from playing.
  • Stay off the floor if you have a noisy Chihuahua.
  • Teach tactics and expectations for compliance.
  • Positive reinforcement is the only way to progress.

8. Unwanted Growling

In little dogs like Chihuahuas, growling might be a sign of fear or hostility, especially when they’re around children.

Both of these characteristics are likely to be present in a Chihuahua, causing them to snarl at anybody in their presence.

Reduce the amount of growling they perform to make them more accessible, agreeable, and less likely to hurt people.

It may look amusing or entertaining at first, particularly with little dogs such as Chihuahuas, but it can upset neighbors and cause difficulties.

Encouraging dogs to howl is not a smart idea. Maintain a tight eye on your dog to ensure that he is as quiet as possible.

How to stop unwanted growling in Chihuahuas

Here are some common ways to control or prevent growling in Chihuahuas:

  • Avoid fear triggers.
  • Early socialization is important.
  • Chihuahua interaction with kids should begin as soon as possible.
  • Teach your kids how to handle and pick up Chihuahuas.
  • Creating and sticking to a regular routine.
  • Any and all sources of anxiety must be removed.
  • Allow your Chihuahua to have some alone time when he or she wants it.
  • Please teach your children the value of treating your Chihuahua with respect.
  • A greater amount of mental stimulation is required.
  • For medical examinations, consult your Chihuahua’s veterinarian.
  • Never leave your kids alone with unsocialized adult Chihuahuas.
  • When it’s time to leave your Chihuahua alone, know when to do so.
  • Playing and caressing your Chihuahua more can help you bond with him.
  • The importance of obedience training cannot be overstated.

9. Chihuahuas Are Picky Eaters

Some Chihuahua puppies know what they prefer to eat, but because they can’t communicate, they won’t tell you.

Chihuahuas have revolving taste buds, which may lead them to swallow only a few bites or refuse to eat at all.

The majority of Chihuahua owners are concerned about this, but it is a behavioral issue that can be addressed by making the right food choices.

A Chihuahua may be able to detect a dish’s lack of protein and refuse to eat it.

Because they are aware that eating may cause them discomfort, Chihuahuas are infamous for being fussy eaters.

How to help picky Chihuahuas

Here are some common ways to control or help picky eating chihuahua:

  • Stop switching food when you want.
  • Any dish that has shown to be working should be continued.
  • Make the food more appealing if required.
  • Take into account what you’re placing on the table.
  • Maintain a healthy feeding schedule for your Chihuahua.
  • It’s a good idea to switch to a grain-free option.
  • Use the tiniest possible serving sizes.
  • Speak with your veterinarian if you have any medical concerns.
  • Stop feeding your Chihuahua a variety of foods all at once.
  • Just do what seems right for you and your Chihuahua.

10. Excessive Barking

Chihuahuas are a naturally non-aggressive little dog breed that has never been known to attack other dogs or children since they were created to be human companions.

Aggression in Chihuahuas can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor socialization, fear, anxiety, possessive behavior, and a lack of training or behavioral guidance on the side of the owner.

Chihuahuas can bark excessively, and one of the best strategies to prevent excessive barking is to socialize your Chihuahua as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary biting.

How to show a chihuahua dominance

Here are some common ways to show dominance over your Chihuahua:

  1. Develop an attitude of “Alpha” from the day one.
  2. Insist on proper conduct.
  3. Use positive energy to communicate.
  4. Learn how to act like an alpha.
  5. When it comes to disciplining inappropriate conduct, be consistent and fair.
  6. When it comes to regulations, be consistent and explicit.
  7. Teach the fundamentals of obedience.
  8. Learn how to manage and control your Chihuahua eating time.
  9. Always assign a chore to your Chihuahua.
  10. Use positive reinforcement.
  11. Reward submissive behavior.

I hope with the information provided on this page, you now understand some common Chihuahua behavior problems and ways to control them.

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Samuel Ogbonna
Samuel Ogbonna

I'm Samuel Ogbonna, the founder of allpetspot.com. I grew up with lots of pets, with 15 years of experience living with pets. My love for pets made me start allpetspot.com, I'm here to share his experiences with pets.

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